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天之聪教育 2012-09-11 天之聪教育 564次







  既然是在军事院校演讲,我不妨从中国古代的一部兵书谈起,这就是著名的《孙子兵法》。《孙子兵法》已有2500年历史,被译成许多种语言,流传到世界各地,仅英文译本就有17种之多。虽然作为冷兵器时代的一部兵书,《孙子兵法》有些内容已经远离当今时代,但其许多战略、战术思想并未随历史褪色,而仍熠熠生辉。美国西点军校将之列为必读经典。英国著名军事历史学家和军事理论家利德尔•哈特(Sir B H Liddell—Hart)曾经深入研究过《孙子兵法》,并在为Samuel Griffith的《孙子兵法》英译本作序时认为《孙子兵法》远未过时,并感叹道:“《孙子兵法》将我20多部著作所涉及的战略和战术原则几乎包罗无遗。


  《孙子兵法》开宗明义第一句话,就是:“兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。” 孙子还认为, “故上兵伐谋,其次伐交,其次伐兵,其下攻城。”可见,《孙子兵法》尽管是一部兵书,但其指导思想是“慎战”和“不战”。这与中国古代其他先哲的观点如出一辙,如老子和孟子都认为:“兵者,凶器也。”这也就不难理解90年前为什么英国著名哲学家、思想家罗素在其著作《中国问题》中指出:“中国历史上虽然征战连绵,但中国人天性是喜好和平的。”















Sun Tzu's Wisdom Behind China's Diplomacy and Defence Policy
Speech by H.E. Ambassador Liu Xiaoming At the UK Joint Services Command and Staff College
Air Vice-Marshal Ray Lock,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Commanders of the Future,

It’s my great pleasure to visit the Joint Services Command and Staff College.

I was delighted to accept the invitation of Air Vice-Marshal Ray Lock to give this talk.

I’ve visited and spoken at many British universities, such as Oxford, Cambridge and Imperial College. But today is unique in the sense that this is my first speech to a military college.

I am impressed to know that your College has won a reputation as the cradle of military leaders for Britain.

I feel privileged to speak and propose to touch on three themes:
• China’s diplomacy;
• China’s defence policy;
• And China’s relations with Britain and Europe.

We need to take a step back to understand China’s foreign and defence policy. Since this is a military college, let’s trace the origin of Chinese thinking on war and peace.

The key is an ancient Chinese book.

Sometime it is called ‘Military Principles’ but the more popular translation is The Art of War.

This is a classical Chinese military treatise written 2,500 years ago. The book was authored by a high-ranking general called Sun Tzu.

The book has since been translated into many languages and read and studied around the world. It is said there are 17 English versions.

You might ask what relevance such an ancient book has in the high technology world of today. Some arguments in The Art of War do seem to be out of touch in the modern world.

But with careful study you will find that many of its strategies, tactics and thoughts are highly relevant today. The book still offers a central text of military thought for defense communities. I know that the book has been adopted as a must-read by West Point and many other military academies.

The prominent British military historian and theorist Sir Basil Liddell Hart was a student of The Art of War. He argued the book was far from outdated.
In his foreword for Samuel Griffith’s English translation of the book, he wrote:

“It was time they went back to Sun Tzu, since in that one short book was embodied almost as much about the fundamentals of strategy and tactics as I had covered in more than twenty books.”

For China, the importance of The Art of War has spread far beyond military studies. The book has deep influence in framing China’s foreign policy and its approach to security and defence.

The opening line of The Art of War is:

“The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin.

Hence it is a subject of inquiry, which can on no account be neglected.”

Sun Tzu continued:“Thus the highest form of generalship is to balk the enemy’s plan. The next best is to prevent the junction of the enemy’s forces. The next in order is to attack the enemy’s army in the field. And the worst policy of all is to besiege walled cities.”

The Art of War stands out from other military theory books. The reason is the stress on the cautious use of force and to avoid war.

Sun Tzu is not alone in this view.

Many Chinese philosophers around his time also cautioned against war. Both Lao Tzu and Mencius warned war and conflict carry big dangers.

There have also been thinkers outside China that support this approach. The famous British philosopher, Bertrand Russell, also observed the consistent commitment to peace of China. 90 years ago Russell wrote in his book The Problem of China that:

“Although there have been many wars in China, the natural outlook of the Chinese is very pacifistic.”
This legacy explains China’s choice of a peaceful path to development today. These are the key facts about our foreign and defence policies:
• China’s commitment to an independent, peaceful foreign policy is based upon its national conditions. This reflects the needs of our time.
• At the heart of our policy is to build a peaceful world that provides shared prosperity for all.
• China calls for mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and cooperation to build a peaceful world.
• China actively assumes its fair share of global responsibilities and seeks to shape a friendly neighborhood.
• We want to work with all countries and contribute to a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity.
• China does not believe in expansion or hegemony.
• Instead, we have always been a staunch force for world peace and regional stability.
• China will not repeat the errors of history, whereby ‘power leads to hegemony’. That approach has plunged the world into disaster and conflict.
• China supports the centrality of the United Nations in matters affecting world peace and security.
• China is committed to addressing international disputes and related crisis in a peaceful manner.
• China is the only country that has publicly undertaken not to be the first to use nuclear weapons. In addition China will not use, or threaten to use, nuclear weapons against non-nuclear countries or nuclear-free zones.
• China is the largest peace keeping contributor within the UN Security Council. We have sent 21,000 peacekeepers on 30 UN missions.
• China plays an active role in international counter-terrorism and non-proliferation. Currently, our naval vessels are performing escort missions in the waters off Somalia.
• China encourages peace talks on the North Korean nuclear issue. We are the host and a constructive participant in the Six-Party talks.
• The same approach applies to the Iranian nuclear issue and other critical conflicts.
• China has peacefully addressed its long-standing boundary issues with 12 of its neighbours on land. We are determined to find negotiated solutions to territorial and maritime disputes with neighbouring countries
• China is guided by the principle of ‘shelving disputes and joint development’. We will do everything we can to keep the South China Sea, the East China Sea and our entire neighborhood peaceful and stable.

Recently, I spoke about the peaceful, responsible role of China in world affairs. This was on BBC Newsnight. Jeremy Paxman asked me:

“The United States will go to war to promote democracy, what do you try to promote?”

I responded by saying:

“We are promoting a harmonious world. We believe the world will be more peaceful and prosperous, if all countries respect each other, rather than imposing their own ideas and systems onto others. We believe mutual respect, mutual accommodation and working together for the common good, common security is in the interest of peace and stability of the world. So we are strongly opposed to any military solutions.”
This is what China’s peaceful foreign policy is all about.
Consistent with this foreign policy guideline, China’s military posture is defensive in nature.

Let me explain our thinking by returning to The Art of War and ask this question:

If war is an art, then what is the highest level of victory?

Sun Tzu gives this answer:

“To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy’s resistance without fighting.”

To stress the war as the last resort for self-protection, Sun Tzu continues:

“Fight not unless the position is critical”.

Essentially Sun Tzu laid out a strategy of pro-active defence where he writes:

“The art of war teaches us to rely not on the likelihood of the enemy’s not coming, but on our own readiness to receive him; not on the chance of his not attacking, but rather on the fact that we have made our position unassailable.”

Only a strong and credible force of defence can effectively protect national sovereignty and development interests.

Only such a force can effectively deter any attempt for war. This is what the pattern of world history has taught us.

China has a huge landmass and vast waters under its jurisdiction.

We face a complex international strategic landscape and security environment. In addition a new revolution in military affairs is gaining momentum worldwide.

Going forward, the critical challenges for China are three-fold:
• Whether or not China can defeat diverse and complex non-conventional security challenges?
• Whether or not China can effectively deal with threats from violent terrorism, ethnic separatism and religious extremism?
• And whether or not China can win a high-tech war in the future?

The answers to these three questions determine whether China’s national rejuvenation is possible.
What I want to stress are these points:
• China’s defence modernisation doesn’t target or threaten any one.
• China has no interest or intention to engage in any arms race.
• China’s defence building never exceeds the need for national security.
• And China’s defence spending has always been reasonable and proportionate to the challenges we face.

These are key comparative facts about military spending:
• According to a report of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, China’s military budget is relatively low compared to other major powers.
• Our spending was only 1.3 percent of China’s GDP in 2010.
• This figure is below that of America, Britain, Russia.
• Also the 1.3 percent of GDP is lower than some emerging countries such as India and Brazil.
• At a per head level, China’s defence spending is even lower. We are only 1/38 of America and 1/20 of Britain.
In essence, The Art of War talks about avoiding war and going to war with caution. But, this prudent approach does not mean fear or cowardice.

It is crucial that leaders around the world understand our defence strategy. They should never mistake the principles of The Art of War as a display of weakness and vulnerability.

China is not to launch preemptive strikes. But in case we are threatened or under attack, there should be no doubt that China will take robust action to protect its interests.

The thrust of Chinese defence strategy is very clear. China has the deterrence and wisdom to win without fighting. But if needed, China has the courage and capability to win through fighting.

This is the essence of The Art of War and the soul of China’s military strategy today.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would also address the issue of China’s relations with Britain and Europe.

In today’s world, the China-Europe relationship carries much weight. China is the world’s largest developing country and Europe is by far the largest bloc of developed countries. We have no geopolitical tension or fundamental conflicting interests between us.

For decades, cooperation has been the defining feature of our relationship. Today, we are each other’s number one trading partner. To be specific, the EU is China’s largest export market, largest investment destination and the biggest technology supplier of China. And China is the EU’s second largest export market.

Turning to the relations between China and Britain.

China-UK relations are also growing fast. This is a partnership marked by mutual good-will, close high-level engagements, strong commercial ties and fast developing people-to-people exchanges.

This year, our two countries will co-host a range of celebrations to mark 40 years of full diplomatic relations.

In the context of this strengthening relationship, one particular area of good progress is our military-to-military ties.

Last year, Britain’s Chief of General Staff, Chief of Naval Staff and Chief of the Air Staff all paid visits to China.

China-UK defence strategic consultation and a structured dialogue between Chinese and British retired senior military officers have been put in place.
In this final part of my talk today I would like to pose the following question:
• Going forward, how to strengthen China’s relations with Britain and Europe?
Let me borrow some wisdom from The Art of War and China’s ancient sages.

The Art of War famously remarked:

“If you know your counterparts and know yourself, you will have nothing to fear.”

What merits much attention is that the book’s original Chinese text has 6,074 characters.

Within these characters the word ‘know’ appears 79 times. That is more than any other character.

Today, Europe and Britain are China’s partners, not adversaries. For our partnership to strengthen and widen, we need to know each other better. We need greater trust to disarm suspicions and concerns. Let me quote what one veteran British general said of China.

Lieutenant-General Sir Graeme Lamb is the former Commander Field Army. Last year he led a delegation of British veteran generals to China.

In The Times upon his return, he wrote these words:

“We should talk to China, not demonise it. … The danger lies in making a new enemy. …When it comes to relations with the Chinese, … it's good to talk. That applies to both sides. …Knowledge dispels fear.”

We Chinese have an old saying:

“Everything has its merits and demerits. And wisdom has its limits”.

The fact that China is at a different stage of development from Britain and Europe means we face different sets of challenges.

This also means we have much to gain from this strong economic complementarity and from cooperation.

Greater effort must be made to widen the scope of cooperation and to tap into the rich potentials to build a win-win future.

For this to happen, our different histories, cultures, social systems and values shouldn’t become barriers. The question is how we should handle differences and diversity.

Some people see their own system as universal and try to export it throughout the world. They see their own values as the only right standard, to which the whole world should be held up.

This is not what we would support. We are not in favour of imposing one’s own views on others, nor do we support Cold-War style ideological confrontation.

We believe in facing up to differences squarely, with respect and a shared commitment to seek common ground. Only in this way can we achieve win-win and both succeed through good-faith mutual learning.
Talking of solidarity and cooperation, there’s another well known story arising from The Art of War. The story is about Warring Kingdoms. The people from the Wu Kingdom and those from the Yue Kingdom did not like each other. But when paddling across the river during a storm, they would cooperate as the right hand does with the left.

From this story came a Chinese idiom:

‘Those sailing across the river in one boat should help each other.

In a multipolar world our society has become a global village. The driving forces of new technologies have shaped that globalisation.

In this globalised world collaboration is the only solution to shared challenges. Global challenges are with us daily, such as:
• Terrorism.
• WMD proliferation.
• Natural disasters.
• Climate change.
• Public health.
• Financial risks.
• Energy and resource scarcity.
• Food and water safety.

All these are challenges on a global scale and threaten all of us.

China and Europe are today interlinked and interdependent and have a shared destiny.

China and Europe must show solidarity and work together to achieve sustainable and inclusive development.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

China’s diplomacy and thinking on defence have deep roots in Chinese history. I have described how the ancient principles are highly relevant to the challenges of our time. China strengthens its approach by also absorbing the best ideas from other countries.

The Art of War certainly cannot capture all facets of China’s conduct of diplomacy and defence policy. But it’s my belief that this book provides a good beginning to understand Chinese thinking and culture.

I hope you will be inspired to study China more with the support of The Art of War. I believe if you follow this path you will grasp the value of China’s choice of peaceful development. This is also the road to dispel unfounded misgivings and add momentum for dialogue and cooperation.

As future military leaders from this prestigious college you have high responsibilities. As China rises, you will find my country more relevant within those responsibilities. So, I hope my thoughts today will inspire you to study China deeply.

In this way you can maximise the prospect of building a peaceful and harmonious world.

That is surely a shared goal of mutual interest for all our people.

Thank you!

Princeton: river in autumn
It’s now the autumn in New Jersey. I walked into the Nassau Hall this afternoon. Sunshine fell upon the old benches. It reminded me of the movie scene in which the aged John Nash was given pens. The wisdom here is like a serene river, flowing in colors of grey, green and orange. I’m writing with the pen you gave to me. (Princeton, 2007)

Gray stone buildings at Princeton are pure Collegiate Gothic splendor. But the 500-acre campus’s beauty extends beyond their doors. Courtyards, idyllic greens, and crisscrossing footpaths dot the campus. The handsome ivy-covered Nassau Hall built in 1754 is the oldest building on campus.

Virginia: freedom in breeze
“Liberty is the great parent of science and virtue.” I’m at the foot of Thomas Jefferson’s statue. Everything here has a Jeffersonian flavor, including the white flowers in front of the Rotunda. The summer breeze is free in the school founded by the man who drafted the Declaration of Independence. (Charlottesville, 2011)

Thomas Jefferson said his proudest achievement was creating the campus of the University of Virginia in 1819. Jefferson believed that real learning could only happen in an “academical village” setting, and toward that end, he designed the campus around an imposing rotunda with a lawn at its feet and 10 neo-classical pavilions (classrooms) lining the green.

Cornell: apples of wisdom
The first week: I jumped into a pool in the local Fall Creek Gorge. It’s how the school welcomes freshmen. The 2nd week: I visited the plantations. Hu Shih once had a hard time dealing with Cornell’s apples, and left for studies in humanities. But I believe I am at a school where any person can find instruction in any study. (Ithaca, 2011)

The small town of Ithaca is the site of Cornell. The quaint New York town overlooks the picturesque Cayuga Lake. The campus has access to Fall Creek Gorge and Cascadilla Gorge, both of which provide spots for hiking and swimming. The university also owns a 2,800-acre botanical garden, Cornell Plantations.

Yale: tower for truth-seekers
I’m writing to you in a Yale library. The enormous books here are a tower restoring the truth. Many have climbed to reach the sky. They are the presidents walking out of Yale’s gates. Some are pilgrims from other lands. I’m one of those in this tower chasing a dream. (New Haven, 2010)

Yale’s collection spans from the Georgian-style red-brick Connecticut Hall to the Postmodernist Ingalls Rink, also called “The Whale”. The campus has a decidedly Middle Ages feel to it. Inside are Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, a 6-story glass-enclosed tower set against translucent grained Vermont marble panels.

Wellesley College: Lake Waban
“Turn around the green slope in the morning ray. Through the dense woods, breeze is down from the lake, on which ripples are not the drowsily charming ones of last night. I sit aside the lake and roll out a piece of paper. With a pen in my hand, I raise my head, surrounded by red leaves and sounds from the water. I’m writing to my little friends whom, I haven’t seen for long.” Sitting aside the Lake Waban, I am preoccupied with Bing Xin’s words. (Wellesley, 2009)

This serene liberal arts college for women, on the edge of Lake Waban near Boston, is considered the crowning jewel of the prestigious “Seven Sisters” campuses. Wooded areas surround Lake Waban and open meadows contained within the limits of campus. Paramecium Pond, edging a rich, botanical garden through which travels a stream fed by a nearby waterfall.

Oxford: elegant, proud minds
Years ago, I read the novel “Fortress Besieged” and remembered the author’s name. It’s hard to imagine today I sit in a reading room where Qian Zhongshu and his wife studied decades ago. It’s through the golden archways that I could vaguely see a tutor discussing with his student. At Oxford, every mind is a proud mind. (Oxford, 2010)

Teaching within Oxford’s stone walls dates as far back as the 11th century. With its labyrinth of quads, cloisters, and archways, it evokes elegance and tradition at every turn. The famous Radcliffe Camera, built in 1737 as a Science Building, and now a hushed reading room for students, is “the most covetable university building in the world.”

Stanford: unbending innovation
Following Larry Page, I am here today – Stanford University. I take a walk in the campus. Red, blue, yellow, green – the colors of Google. You can sense an unyielding spirit here. Two earthquakes have not torn the campus down. Watching the San Francisco Bay, I wish you a good day, my friend. (Palo Alto, 2011)

Stanford’s 8,180-acre campus features stunning views of the San Francisco Bay. The entryway to the campus is arguably the grandest of any college campus: a mile-long, tree-lined Palm Drive, which leads up to the expansive green Oval, red-clay-roof-tiled Main Quad, and the campus’s crown architectural jewel, Memorial Church, with its striking mosaic facade.

UCSC: face the grand blue
I own an acre of grassland, facing the grand blue. Flowers blossom in the warm spring. I think I can be a happy man, feeding horses, chopping wood, seeing the world. The ocean is the home to which my soul bounds. On this postcard, I tell you all my happiness. (Santa Cruz, 2012)
我有一片绿色的青草地,面朝大海,春暖花开。我想我可以做一个幸福的人,喂马,劈柴,周游世界。海是灵魂安稳的归处。一张明信片,告诉你我所有的幸福。 (圣克鲁兹,2012)

Housed on a former ranch perched above the Pacific, the University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC) campus offers open meadows, redwood forests and panoramic ocean views. The California campus’ buildings and circulation networks are carefully designed and tucked into the natural landscape.
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