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天之聪教育 2012-09-05 china daily 482次

China Daily的语言简短、地道,都是日常生活中的大事小情,都是一些小词,很少有偏僻的词汇。建议学口译的学员定一份China Daily的手机报!



Pupils jam at HK border

A new system to improve the movement at checkpoints of Shenzhen children traveling to Hong Kong for school had a rocky start Monday, China Daily reported. 80% of the kids were late for their first day of school because they had failed to register for a digital bar code system in advance. Up to 17,000 Shenzhen students are expected to travel to Hong Kong for school this semester. Many parents were disconnected from news in Hong Kong over the summer vacation.

The new “on-bus checking” method will allow students to stay on buses when crossing the border, as customs staff members board the buses with a digital device to scan the children’s bar codes. It is estimated that the time taken will be reduced by half.

Moutai increases price

With the Mid-autumn Festival nearing, brand liquors see signs of a price hike. Kweichow Moutai announced Monday evening it would increase the factory price of some of its products by an average of 20-30%, Beijing News reported. This is the biggest price increase of Moutai since 6 years ago. The factory price of the company’s flagship beverage 53-degree Flying Moutai was RMB619 per bottle before the price hike.

Just after the 2012 Spring Festival, brand liquors were given short shrift (冷遇) because of a limitation on government officials’ overspending on vehicles, receptions and overseas trips (in which receptions consume brand liquors). Some brand liquors were forced to reduce the retail price of their products following the limitation.

Trading rooms vanishing

The Chinese retail investor trading room, frequented by mom-and-pop (小型的) investors who buy and sell stocks between hands of cards, may soon be gone. China’s security houses are shrinking their retail outlet space to save on rent, Reuters reported. Some old trading rooms have been replaced by terminals with no chairs provided.

“I’ve been coming here (the trading room) since 2007, every workday from 9:30 to 3,” a 60-year-old Shanghai woman said. She said she likes to chat with other investors.

“Nowadays, 90% of clients trade online,” said Tian Liang, analyst at Guosen Securities. “There’s no need to set up a big outlet for trading equipped with an expensive IT system and additional staff.”

“We encourage retail investors to buy investment products from institutions, rather than trade stocks themselves,” Jin Xiaobin, board secretary of Haitong Securities said. He said retail investors lack risk-management skills.

Organic food isn’t healthier

It comes at a premium price, but it seems organic food may not be worth shelling out for, the Daily Mail of London reported Monday. Researchers from Stanford University Medical Center, California, found no clear evidence of any significant added health benefits. They also found that there was no guarantee organic food would be pesticide-free, though it did have lower levels.

Joint military exercises between India and China will be resumed after a 4-year gap, Indian Defense Minister AK Antony announced Tuesday after talks with Chinese Defense Minister Liang Guanglie, foreign media reported.

Late August saw prices increase for 17 types of food, according to data released Tuesday by the National Bureau of Statistics, which monitored 27 types of food in the last 10 days of August in major 50 cities. It also showed almost all meat prices went up.

The Tibet autonomous region is expected to receive a record 10m-plus tourists this year, Xinhua reported. These visitors will bring revenue of more than RMB12b, equal to 17% of the region’s GDP.

Moody’s has lowered its outlook for the European Union’s AAA credit rating to “negative” and warned that the bloc’s actual rating could be downgraded, the BBC reported.

How Cruise chooses wife

A new Vanity Fair cover story reveals how high-ranking Scientology (科学教) officials helped select a prospective wife for Tom Cruise before he met Katie Holme, the newly-divorced former wife. Rumor has it that Sofia Vergara and Scarlett Johansson were among those approached as marital prospects for Cruise. Shelly Miscavige, the wife of Scientology chief David Miscavige, oversaw the exercise to find the new Mrs Cruise.

The search yielded Nazanin Boniadi, an Iranian-born, London-raised actress and Scientologist, who went on to date Cruise from November 2004 until January 2005. Boniadi spent the month prior to the courtship being audited every day, and was forced to share personal secrets and details of her sex life with a high-ranking Scientology official.

After a blissful first month, the relationship turned sour when Boniadi’s behavior toward David Miscavige was interpreted by Cruise as disrespectful. Boniadi was later sent to a Scientology Center in Florida, where she made the mistake of revealing the details of her courtship with Cruise to a friend when she was unable to hide her emotional distress. The friend then reported her to Scientology officials. Boniadi’s punishment was to scrub toilets and clean bathroom tiles.

How important are ratings?

How important is the online ratings system, employed by sites such as, for a business’s fortunes? A study, conducted by US economists, found that with the rating improved by just half a star – on a scale of 1 to 5 – a restaurant will be fully booked on 49% of the evenings it is open for business in contrast to the 39% of evenings before. The increase was found to happen without any change in prices or the quality of food and service, confirming that it was the reviews that brought in the new customers.

【China Daily Radio】
又是美国大选年,每天的新闻都少不了两党总统候选人的骂战。至于最后谁能获胜,起决定性作用的其实是那些对两党都没有明显支持倾向的州,也就是purple state(紫色州)。

A purple state is a state with a vote which is typically closely divided between Democratic and Republican candidates at election time. As a result, such states can become important areas for electoral contests, with candidates fighting to get the majority of the vote so that they can win.
紫色州(purple state)指在选举期间民主党和共和党候选人得到的支持率很接近、不相上下的一些州。由此,这些州在竞选过程中就变得尤为重要,总统候选人都努力想要争得这些州大部分的选票,以保证自己最终能够获胜。

The “purple” in the name is a reference to the fact that as election results come in, states are typically colored red or blue to indicate a win by a Republican or Democratic candidate, and purple is a blend of these two colors.

You may also hear a purple state called a swing state, because the vote can swing either way, or as a battleground state, in a reference to the fact that candidates sink serious resources into purple states, often long before the election.


These “leftover” men and women, as they are called in Chinese, are defined by the All-China Women’s Federation as single women above the age of 27 and single men older than 30.

上面的报道将“剩男剩女”翻译成leftover women and men,明显带有贬义,因为leftover一词的意思是“吃剩的食物,残羹剩饭”,正好对应了中文原词的贬义色彩。“剩男剩女”指的是大龄未婚男女青年,因为到了婚嫁年龄却还单身,所以被认为是“剩下了”。

那些接近expiry date的“准剩男剩女”也有一个称号,就是doomed single(必剩客)。

不过,如果我们将一个二三十岁的大姑娘称为leftover woman,相信谁听了都不乐意。国外一般将大龄女青年称为3S lady,也就是Single(单身)、Seventies (大多数生于上世纪七十年代)、Stuck(被卡住了,即在寻找伴侣的路上被卡住了)。


在英语口语中, on the shelf这个短语常用来表示女子过了适婚年龄依然未能嫁出去的状态。
例句:Why is the hello girl still on the shelf?


These five snippets of well-meaning to singles top Anderson’s list of worst offenses. Here’s why.

1) What’s Said: MAYBE YOU’RE NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH. What’s Heard: This can come off sounding like you’re making judgment,” says Anderson. “It’s better to encourage a single person to explore new relationships to the extent they are comfortable and to extend themselves in ways that feel natural and not forced.”

1) 建议:也许你还不够努力。
听起来:“这听起来像你在做评判。” 安德森说道,“最好鼓励一个单身人士去寻求新的令人感觉自在的恋情。在这种恋情里,双方是以自然的而不是被迫的方式去交往的。”

2) What’s Said: WEAR MORE MAKEUP.
What’s Heard: More than implying that the search for Mr. Right is as easy as brushing a spot of color onto the cheeks, this comment offends further by actually attacking a person’s core identity. “A woman presents herself according to what she defines as meaningful. Whether her style is glamorous belle or au naturelle, every woman should be allowed to be herself. There’s a man out there who is going to be attracted to her style, whatever it is. If she’s presenting herself as anyone other than who she really is, that’s false advertising and that’s going to backfire.”


3) What’s Said: GET BACK OUT THERE!
What’s Heard: This can send the signal that the single person is simply not doing enough speed or Internet or blind dating, or worse, that she isn’t living a full enough life. “Singles are not by definition hiding out in their closets curled up in the fetal position all day,” says Anderson. “Most are likely working, meeting friends out for dinner and events, working out.”

3) 建议:别放弃,继续行动!
听起来:这可能让人觉得单身人士之所以处于目前的状态仅仅是因为她没有足够迅速地采取行动,或多上网,或多相亲,甚至生活很不充实才单身的。“单身女性不能定义为如胎儿般成天蜷缩躲在自己房间的人。” 安德森说道,“她们中的大多数很可能在工作、在外与朋友聚餐、参加活动和健身。”

4) What’s Said: YOU’RE TOO PICKY.
What’s Heard: This sends single women the message that their time to be choosy is up, that it’s now time to go out and pick up any chump.”

4) 建议:你太挑剔了。

5) What’s Said: TONE IT DOWN A NOTCH.
What’s Heard: You ask too many questions. You’re too intimidating. You’re overly opinionated. You’re too consumed with work. “This is interpreted by single women to mean that they have to dial down their core identity a notch in order to attract potential suitors and make them feel comfortable,” says Anderson. “Suggesting that a woman reduce the fullness of who she is to lure a mate will lead to an inauthentic connection, and is a recipe for a disastrous relationship or marriage. Because really, how long can any person fake it and maintain a facade?”

听起来:你问题太多了。你太盛气凌人了。你过分固执己见了。你为了工作太憔悴了。“这些将被单身女性解读为她们不得不为了吸引并取悦可能的追求者而把自己的内在个性调低一个档次,” 安德森说道,“一个女人以有所保留的自己去赢取异性伴侣会促就不可靠的关系,酿成悲剧恋情或者婚姻。毕竟,一个人能捏造并维持假象多久呢?

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