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FT 2012-11-12 FT 418次

The world crowds in on Obama’s second term 

The lazy take on the US elections says nothing much has changed. Barack Obama is in the White House, Republicans control the House and Democrats the Senate. Washington is heading back to gridlock as usual. Oh, and the economy is running at stall speed. As for the multitudes of Obama supporters around the globe, they will probably be disappointed again.  

对美国大选结果持懒惰观点的人认为,一切都没有改变。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)继续留在白宫,共和党依然控制着众议院,民主党则控制着参议院。华盛顿正在像往常一样重陷僵局。噢,还有经济也正在失速。全世界支持奥巴马的民众恐怕又要失望了。  

The trouble with analyses such as this is the presumption that we live in a steady state world. Mr Obama’s re-election has changed the dynamics of American politics. Given the economic backdrop and the force of his opponents’ rage, it was a momentous victory. America’s first black president can leave behind the fear, ever present during the past four years, that his place in history would carry the footnote that he had served only one term.  

这一类分析的问题在于,它有一个前提,即认为我们生活在一个静止的世界中。但奥巴马再次当选改变了美国的政治动态。考虑到目前的经济背景以及对手愤怒下的影响力,这是一场重大胜利。这位美国的首位黑人总统现在能够抛却过去4年间一直盘桓心头的恐惧:历史在书写他的地位时,会加上他只担任了一届总统的脚注。  \Republicans have serious thinking to do. Not that long ago Karl Rove, the pre-eminent Republican strategist, was boasting that he had built a permanent majority. The party then harnessed everything to the effort to defeat Mr Obama. Having bet the bank, it lost the lot in circumstances as propitious as any opposition party could have hoped for. The delicate Mr Rove has been left spluttering that the Democrat campaign was unfairly negative.  

共和党需要展开严肃思考。不久前共和党杰出的策略师卡尔•罗夫(Karl Rove)曾夸耀,他为共和党建立起了永久性多数地位。然后该党不遗余力地要击败奥巴马。共和党压上了所有身家,其形势之有利,任何对手都梦寐以求,结果却一败涂地。优雅的罗夫只能语无伦次地说,民主党在竞选活动中采用了不正当的消极手段。  

The GOP risks becoming a permanent minority on the national stage. The Republicans have won the popular vote in only one of the past six contests for the White House. Piling up the support of protestant white men in the south does not amount to a winning strategy. Immigration, demography and social tolerance will continue to narrow the party’s path to the presidency. As long as Republicans rail against this New America of cultural and ethnic diversity they will lose presidential elections.  


None of this is to say that Mr Obama will emerge as a leader of Rooseveltian stature and ambition; nor that conservatives will rush headlong into the muddy middle ground of politics. Yet the looming confrontation over the deficit presents opportunities on both sides – for Mr Obama the occasion to show bold leadership; for Republicans a chance to demonstrate pragmatism in the national interest. The rules of the game, though, have changed. The Republicans now have most to lose. If he borrows some of Bill Clinton’s political guile, Mr Obama can outflank his opponents with a grand bargain on the deficit.  

这并不是说,奥巴马将成为具有罗斯福那样声望和雄心的领导人;也不是说保守派将一头冲进泥泞的政治中间派路线。不过,即将在赤字问题上出现的对抗将为双方都提供机会:奥巴马可以借机展现大胆的领导风格;共和党则可以在国家利益方面展现务实主义。但是,游戏的规则已经改变。现在共和党是最大的输家。如果奥巴马能借用一点比尔•克林顿(Bill Clinton)的政治手段,他能够在赤字问题上取得重大优势,制胜对手。  

The rest of the world will not wait on budget talks in Washington. The pace of global change has never been so tumultuous. Whether it’s the political awakening in the Middle East, a new leadership in China or austerity politics in Europe, it is a fair bet that many of today’s assumptions will be overturned during Mr Obama’s second term.  


There are some things he cannot change. US power is increasingly contested. The quality or otherwise of the US relationship with China will in future be the hinge of international security. As for the Middle East, it will be harder to escape its treacherous conflicts than many in Washington hope


Among the briefing documents soon to thud on Mr Obama’s desk will be the National Intelligence Council’s assessment of how the world might look in 2030. Some of its messages will be reassuring. Rising gas and oil production have set the US on course for self-sufficiency. Before too long, its oil exports may match those of Saudi Arabia.  

奥巴马的书桌上很快将摆上大量简报文件,其中之一将是美国国家情报委员会(National Intelligence Council)对2030年世界前景的评估。其中一些信息将令人欣慰。美国油气产量增加使美国走上了自给自足的道路。不久,美国的石油出口量或将与沙特比肩。  

Yet relative decline is unavoidable. Washington’s capacity to cajole and coerce will diminish as China, India, Turkey, Brazil, South Africa and the rest occupy more of the stage. The international order will be sorely tested by great power competition.  


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