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连载(十一)Don't make me smile

王悦 2012-11-09 天之聪教育 1457次

 喜欢Barbara Park的作品,不仅因为她作为成年人,能够以孩童的视角洞察被大人忽略的情感,还因为作品中充满童趣。当然,英文表达比较简单,也是重要原因之一。下面这段摘自她的“Don't make me smile"一书,是讲述一个十一的岁男孩父母离婚以后,心里成长过程。试着将其翻译过来,权当练手,希望没把韩老师教的忘光,也欢迎各位同学指正。


SO FAR, I’ve talked to Dr. Girard four times. Each time he’s made me feel a little better about things.

Don’t get me wrong, though. I still don’t think I’m ever going to totally get over this. And I still think divorce is a rotten thing for parents to do.

It’s really hard for me to get used to living just with my mother. It must be weird for her, too. Almost every night, when she sets the table, she accidentally puts out three plates.

Once in a while, Mom calls me “the man of the house.” I don’t know if she’s trying to make me feel grown-up or what. But I don’t really like it. Just because they decided to get divorced doesn’t suddenly turn me into a man. I don’t even shave yet. The next thing you know, she’ll expect me to go to work or something.

Of course, maybe going to work wouldn’t be so bad. It’s got to be better than school. Because to tell you the truth, school hasn’t been going that well for me lately. I used to be pretty good in school, but ever since the divorce, I’ve had a hard time keeping my mind on stuff. Somehow, learning how brine shrimp lay eggs just doesn’t seem important anymore.

Right after my teacher found out that things were bad for me at home, she got real nice. She didn’t make me do any work at all, hardly. But teachers don’t stay patient like that forever. Teachers definitely have a limit on their niceness.

Last Friday after school, Mrs. Fensel handed me a note to take home to my mother. She told me to be sure that Mom saw it.

“I’m going to trust you not to read it first, Charles,” she said.

What a lie. If she really “trusted me not to read it,” why did she have it all sealed up with tape? Does that sound like trust to you?

Having to take a note home to your mother is one of the worst things a kid ever has to do. It’s asking a criminal to cut off his own head, sort of. It’s just not fair.

All the way home I held the note real loosely in my hand. I kept waiting for a big strong gust of wind to come along and blow it away. But as usual, there’s never a good wind when you need one.

The same thing used to happen when I was a little kid and I wanted to fly my kite. I would spend about an hour untangling my ball of string, and by the time I got it all ready, the wind had totally stopped. Usually, I ended up dragging it up and down the street a couple of times and putting it away.

The only time it’s ever windy is when you don’t want it to be. Like when you finish swimming, for instance. I don’t know where the wind comes from, but as soon as you get out of the water, a big gust comes and freezes your tail off.

Anyhow, on the day Mrs. Fensel gave me the note, the wind was nowhere to be found. I tried blowing it away myself by sneezing on it really hard. But that didn’t work, either. I think all the tape was weighing it down.

When I finally got home, I decided to take the note to my room first before giving it to my mother. I thought that maybe I could hold it up to the light and read a few words. But when I looked through the envelope, all I could see was that the note was folded into a tiny little wad. Good old Mrs. Fensel. She knew every trick in the book.

The stupid thing was, I really didn’t need to read the note at all. I knew exactly what it I was going to say. And trust me, Mom wasn’t going to be too thrilled about it.

My grades hadn’t been very good lately. In fact, the highest mark I had gotten that week was a D+ in spelling. I would have gotten a C-, but I forgot to capitalize Russia.

Personally, I think it’s really stupid to count a word wrong just because you didn’t use a capital. It’s not that you’re using the wrong letter, it’s just that you’ve used it in an alternative size.

As I stood there with that note, I thought about how much trouble I was going to be in. For the first time in five weeks, I began to think about running away from home again. When it comes to getting good grades, my mother is really tough.

I knew exactly what she would do. She would read the note and then call me into the living room for a little “talk”. And if there’s one thing that I hate, it’s one of my mother’s little “talks” about schoolwork.

First, she starts out by telling me how she isn’t going to yell or scold me. Then she yells and scolds me. After that, she starts taking away all of the fun things that I like to do and tries to make it seem like it’s for my “own good.” That way, she doesn’t feel so mean.

The more I thought about it, the dumber it seemed to actually knew what she was going to say, what was the point of bothering her with it? Instead, I could give myself my own little “talk” and save her the trouble.

“Okay,” I said to myself. “I promise that I’ll watch less TV and study harder.”

There. Now my poor mother wouldn’t have to feel so mean about yelling at me. What a thoughtful son I was to spare her that.

Besides, Mrs. Fensel hadn’t specifically told me to give my mother the note. All she had said to do was to be sure Mom saw it. So, if my mother saw the envelope, I wouldn’t be doing anything wrong.

Mom was in the kitchen. I grabbed the note and went in to say hello.

We talked for a while about the usual stuff. Then finally, I headed for my room again. Right before I left the kitchen, I dropped the note on the floor.

I picked it right up and kept on going.

“What was that?” asked my mother.

“Nothing,” I called from the hall. “It’s just a note that someone wrote at school. No big deal.”

When I got back to my room, I felt much better. Now I wouldn’t be lying when I told Mrs. Fensel that my mother saw the note. There’s no doubt about it….I am definitely a clever kid.

N ow that the matter was settled, there really wasn’t any reason why I couldn’t open the note and read it. No one would ever know. And I was really dying to see what Mrs. Fensel had written about me.

I tried to tear open the envelope with my hands but the tape was too thick. “Is this what you call trust, Mrs. Fensel?” I growled

Finally, I managed to slit open the bottom of the envelope with my pen. I pulled the note out and began reading.

Dear Mrs. Hickle,

This note is to let you know that your son, Charles, has been doing very poorly with his schoolwork. In the past week, he has had no grade higher than a D+.

Mrs. Hickle, I do understand that Charles has been having some problems at home, and I have tried to understanding. But he’s still not paying attention in class, so I feel it’s time I let you know what is happening.

In addition to his grades, his behavior has also taken a turn for the worse. Charles used to be a very well behaved boy. Lately, however, he has started to become rather rude, both to me and to others in the classroom.

I would appreciate any effort that you and his father would make to see that Charles changes both his behavior and his grades. If all of us work together, I’m sure we can get him back on the right track.


Edna Fensel

Rude? I couldn’t believe it! She actually told my mother that I was rude.

What’s so rude about telling a teacher that you think spelling stinks? Especially when it’s the truth. And especially when Mrs. Fensel started the whole conversation herself.

After I got my last spelling test back, she came over to my desk and asked me what was wrong with my spelling lately.

“Nothing is wrong with my spelling,” I said. “The reason I got a D is because you marked ‘russia’ wrong. I spelled ‘russia’ right.”
“没什么问题”我说。“我之所以得了D,是因为 ‘russia’你算我拼错了,其实我拼对了。”

She looked at my paper.

“Russia has a capital,” she said.

“I know,” I said. “The capital of Russia is Moscow.”

Mrs. Fensel didn’t laugh at my joke. She pretended she didn’t even hear it, in fact.

“If you don’t spell Russia with a capital, it’s wrong,” she said.

That’s when I said, “Spelling stinks.”

“Pardon me?” said Mrs. Fensel.

“Stinks. S-T-I-N-K-S,” I spelled.
“没劲。M ei, j in” 我一个字一个字地拼。

Mrs. Fensel gave me an angry look. At first, I didn’t think she was going to do anything more. But instead of yelling at me, she wrote that note to my mother. What a squealer. A guy makes a couple of amusing comments, and boom….he gets a note sent home.

Anyway, after I read the note, I was very glad I hadn’t shown it to my mother. At least I was glad until about 8:30 that night. At 8:30, I stopped being glad about a lot of things. That’s when Mrs. Fensel called.
不管咋说,读完纸条后,我非常庆幸没有给老妈看。至少那天晚上8:30以前,我都很高兴。而8:30我的好日子就到头了。因为 Fensel老师打来了电话。

I was in the shower when the phone rang. But after I got out, I could hear my mother talking. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who she was talking to. She kept saying stuff like “Yes, Mrs. Fensel, I know he’s having a hard time.” And “No, Mrs. Fensel, I don’t know why he didn’t show it to me.”

I was doomed.


Or was I ?

An idea popped into my head that just might work.

I threw on my pajamas and ran into my room to get the note. I decided not to put it back in its torn-up envelope. I thought it might look suspicious. So I just folded it up and ran to my mother. She had just hung up the phone.

“Oh, wow, Mom,” I said. “I almost forgot to give you this note. I just thought about it while I was in the shower. It’s from Mrs. Fensel.”

My mother grabbed the note out of my hand and read it. She had this look on her face like she was about to explode.

After she finished reading, her expression changed. She got a funny grin. It wasn’t what you’d call a happy grin, though. It was more like the kind of grin that insane people have on Tv shows.

She began walking toward me very slowly. It really made me nervous. I started backing up. I backed all the way into the wall. She had me cornered.

My mother leaned real close to me. Then she put her hands on my shoulders and began talking very softly.

“Charles,” she said, “I’m going to give you three weeks. That’s three,” she repeated, as she held up her fingers. “One…two…three. And if at the end of three weeks, your grades aren’t back up to where they are supposed to be, you are going to be one very unhappy boy.”

I looked at her face. Then insane grin was still there.

I gulped. “What do you mean? What will happen to me?” I asked.

“Oh….let’s see. Do you want a little hint?” Mom said. “I’ll give you lots of little hints.”

She started right in.

“Little hint number one, no TV. Little hint number two, no sports. Little hint number three, no having friends over. Little hint number four, no telephone. Little hint number five, no CD player. Little hint number six, no computer games. Little hint number seven, no allowance. Are you getting the picture yet, Charlie?” she asked.

“Yes,” I said. “At least, mostly I am. It’s just that I don’t exactly understand little hint number seven. I mean, I get the ones about no TV and stuff, because I’ll have to study more. But what does my allowance have to do with my schoolwork?”

I wasn’t trying to make her angrier, I swear. I just really wanted to know about the allowance thing.

Mom cleared it up. “Oh, you won’t need any money, Charlie,’ she explained. “Because you won’t be setting foot out of this house for a very…long….time. Get it?”

“Got it,” I said. “Can I go now?”

“Just one more teensy little thing,” said my mother. “If I ever again hear that you’ve been rude to your teacher, I will personally take you by the hand and lead you to your classroom, where you will apologize to Mrs. Fensel in front everyone. Do you get that, too?”

I nodded. This was definitely something that my mother would do. Like I mentioned before, she’s very big on apologizing.

When I was little, I accidentally called this old lady down the street a dirtbag. I didn’t even know what a dirtbag was, really. But I was trying to make some kids laugh. So when we rode by her on my bike, I hollered, “Hi there, dirtbag.”

The lady found out who I was and called my mother. The next day, Mom took me down street and made me tell the dirtbag I was sorry for calling her names.

The point is, I could just see my mother leading me into my classroom and making me apologize for being a smart aleck. She’d love it.

“Are you going to tell Dad about this?” I asked. “Because, well, I was just thinking…maybe we could keep this our own little secret. I mean, really, Mom. There’s no need bothering Dad with it, is there? After all, he’s got his own trouble trying to live in that stinky apartment. What do you say? Is it a deal?”

My mother didn’t answer.

She was already in the kitchen dialing my father’s number.
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