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经济学家 2012-10-24 经济学家 687次

The nanny state

What an experiment in state-sponsored parenting says about British politics

JACKIE BAPTISTE’S working day begins at seven o’clock, when she goes to a council house, drags someone else’s children out of bed and packs them off【1】 to school. The social worker is not a woman to be trifled with【2】. “They might tell me to F-off【3】, but it’s only words,” she shrugs. Sometimes she films the desperate attempts of a mother to control her brood, then plays the recording back, offering tips on how to do it right. She attends parent-teacher meetings, appointments with doctors and counselling for alcoholism and domestic violence, all the while【4】 holding the hands of her adult charges. In a typical week she will see the same family five or six times, as part of Westminster council’s Family Recovery Programme. She is part of a growing movement, and the product of a remarkable political consensus.


The state has long meddled with poor families. In his autobiography, Charlie Chaplin recalls that on entering a London workhouse【5】, he and his brother Sydney were sent off to the children’s wing while his mother went to the women’s wing, a separation that had been routine since the Poor Law of 1834. There were still several thousand children living in such places when the last ones were abolished in the 1940s and Britain began building a comprehensive welfare state. In the decades since, the government has acquired many more children, though it houses them differently. There are currently 66,000 children in care, meaning they have been removed (voluntarily or otherwise) from their biological parents. The majority are shuffled between short-term placements with foster families.


This is where the new scheme comes in. For although taking children from their parents may sometimes be the least bad thing to do, the government is, in aggregate【6】, a deadbeat, feckless parent. Children who have been in care are 50 times more likely to go to prison than those who have not, according to calculations by Policy Exchange, a think-tank. They are also 66 times more likely to see their own children taken into care. This is not for lack of money: the average bill for taking a child under the state’s wing is £38,000 ($61,400) per year. Better, then, to employ a latter-day Mary Poppins 【7】to nanny a family into staying together.

这也是新计划实行的原因。虽然政府有时把儿童从那些游手好闲,不负责任的父母身边带走,但是这一做法也并非最坏的事情。据一个名为“政策交流”的智囊统计,在教养院生活的儿童入狱的可能性是其他儿童的50倍。这些儿童为人父母后,自己的孩子被送入教养院的几率是常人的66倍。这并不是缺钱所致:因为在英国福利社会中,养一个孩子每年平均只要3万8千英镑(折合6万1千4百美元)。更加理想的是雇佣一个当代的玛丽. 波平斯,促使一家人其乐融融。

Parents who are at risk of losing their children, their liberty and their housing can choose to enroll in Westminster’s programme. Most of those eligible have decided to do so. “We say: ‘Those people over there want to take your house and your child away. We want to work with you to make sure that does not happen’,” explains Natasha Bishopp, who is in charge of the scheme. Each family signs a contract. If its terms are broken, the council does what it would have done anyway. So far that has happened to just 15% of the 210 contracts signed since 2008.


Part of the reason for this success, Ms Bishopp argues, is that people who are constantly pestered by the government’s agencies tend to experience its sanctions either as empty threats or as sudden and mystifying. The contract helps overcome that, as does embodying the state in the form of a single, smiling individual. Gail Porter, who runs similar schemes for Lancashire Council, reports one of the families her team works with had previously received visits from 21 separate agencies. The results of these programmes and others like them have encouraged the government to launch a national Troubled Families Programme. Central government will provide £4,000 per family and local authorities a further £6,000 in the hope of improving the lives of 120,000 families between now and 2015.


This points to an interesting convergence【8】 in British politics. For all that Labour likes to paint the Tories as a heartless bunch intent on slashing welfare and the Conservatives retort that Labour would trap the poor on state benefits for ever—lines of argument that were on display throughout this year’s party conferences—the two parties have come to startlingly similar conclusions on how to help the poorest and most dysfunctional families【9】.


The culture pause

British policy wonks【10】 go through cycles of treating poor people as an income problem and as a culture problem. At the moment they are in a culture phase. This is mainly because the income thesis, which had the upper hand【11】 for most of the past few decades, was tested and found inadequate under the previous government. A huge expansion of tax credits did not do much for what Charles Booth【12】 called the “submerged tenth” of society. Besides, under the relative-income measure of child poverty that the previous government judged itself on, the number of poor children in Britain has gone down since the financial crisis, which cut median incomes. Arrange for a Lehman Brothers【13】 to fail every year and the problem would be solved.


By the end of its tenure, Labour had decided that culture mattered more. The results of Sure Start【14】, a network of optional parenting classes created under Labour, were and still are disappointing. Tony Blair’s government began to experiment with family-intervention projects. Gordon Brown was keen on them too, visiting one in Dundee【15】 before he became prime minister. Louise Casey, a civil servant who ran this effort for Mr Blair, is in charge of the present scheme. Labour seems reluctant to attack an approach it pushed when in government.


For Conservatives, the promise of keeping families together trumps traditional concerns about an interfering state. Tories also like the programme’s focus on teaching people how to take responsibility for their own lives, and its promise of saving money in the long term. The party that rails against the nanny state has come to embrace state nannying. Ms Baptiste thus enjoys cross-party support for her afternoon task: taking a pair of Marigold gloves from her bottomless bag and helping one of her families to tidy up its messy flat.


【1】        Pack off: 匆匆把…打发走;匆匆送走
【2】        trifled with:轻率(或嘲笑)地对待(某人或某事物);轻视;玩弄:心不在焉地做;摆弄;耍弄:视同儿戏;不认真对待
【3】        f-off:1.short for fuck off
2.used online when words are censored
【4】        all the while:一直,始终
【5】        workhouse:济贫院又称救济院、救贫院、贫民院,是为穷人提供工作和弱者提供生计的机构,起源于《伊丽莎白济贫法》(Elizabethan Poor Law)。济贫院在英国和爱尔兰得到高度发展,在其他欧洲国家也有小规模的济贫院,如荷兰在全国范围只有三间大的济贫院[2],而1777年单英国柴郡就有31间。Poor Law1834年议会通过《济贫法(修正案)》,这是1601年以后最重要的济贫法,史称新济贫法。该法取消“斯皮纳姆兰制”的家内救济,改为受救济者必须是被收容在习艺所中从事苦役的贫民。所内的生活条件极为恶劣,劳动极其繁重,贫民望而却步,被称之为劳动者的“巴士底狱”。
【6】        in aggregate:总体来说
【7】        玛丽.波平斯阿姨是特拉弗斯写的六本以玛丽.波平斯阿姨为主角的童话中的主人公,她是一位褓姆仙女,,她来到人间帮助班克斯家的两位小朋友重拾欢乐,教导他们如何克服生活的困难,并且让终日汲汲于银行业务与女权运动的班克斯两夫妇体认到亲子温情的可贵。
【8】        convergence:The convergence of different ideas, groups, or societies is the process by which they stop being different and become more similar. 趋同性
【9】        dysfunctional families:不健全家庭
【10】        policy wonks:政策专家
【11】        had the upper hand:占上风,占优势
【12】        Charles Booth:商人查尔斯•布茨(Charles Booth)对1885年有人宣称的“四分之一伦敦人都生活在极端贫困中”这个观点表示怀疑,于是他雇人进行调查。调查结果显示为30%。随后这个调查结果就被以7种颜色表现形式绘制成了地图,从黑线的“最底层”到金线的富裕阶层。当局看到这张地图后惊呆了,随后第一批简易住宅建成。
【13】        Lehman Brothers:雷曼兄弟公司:雷曼兄弟公司自1850年创立以来,已在全球范围内建立起了创造新颖产品、探索最新融资方式、提供最佳优质服务的良好声誉。全球性多元化的投资银行,《商业周刊》评出的2000年最佳投资银行,整体调研实力高居《机构投资者》排名榜首,《国际融资评论》授予的2002年度最佳投行。北京时间2008年9月15日,在次级抵押贷款市场(次贷危机)危机加剧的形势下,美国第四大投行雷曼兄弟最终丢盔弃甲,宣布申请破产保护。
【14】        sure start:英国的确保开端(sure start)就是一个大家比较熟悉的“以家庭”为服务对象的早期教养项目。
【15】        Dundee:敦提(英国苏格兰东部港口城市)
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