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经济学家 2012-10-20 经济学家 658次

Electoral brinkmanship in Japan
A game of chicken

Yoshihiko Noda hopes to postpone elections, without a fiscal impasse

BY RIGHTS, Yoshihiko Noda, Japan’s prime minister, does not need to convene a new session of the Diet, or parliament, until January. The temptation to wait seems obvious. His ruling block has a shaky eight-seat majority in the 480-seat lower house. Only when the Diet is in session can his opponents gather enough votes to depose him.

Yet a budget problem looms which the opposition hopes will force his hand. Compared with America’s, Japan’s immediate fiscal woes are more of a steep slope than a cliff. Earlier this year the lower house of the Diet approved the 2012-13 budget, but both houses have to pass a bill authorising the issue of ¥38.3 trillion ($490 billion) of bonds to cover its huge deficit. This the upper house, controlled by the opposition, has so far refused to do. It is angry at what the biggest opposition party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), sees as Mr Noda’s broken promise some months back to call a general election “soon.”
然而日本政府隐现得预算问题使在野党人认为或可逼野田自己动手。与美国相比,日本眼下的财政困境急转直下。今年早些时候,国会众议院审批通过了2012-13年度政府预算,但若要靠发行38.3万亿日元(约合4900亿美元)的债券来弥补巨额赤字需要国会众参两院通过议案,予以认可。但受在野党控制下的参议院拒绝通过这项决议。在野党中最大的自民党(Liberal Democratic Party, LDP)认为野田在过去的几个月中背信弃义,呼吁尽快举行大选,这一行为让参议院大为光火。
A game of brinkmanship is therefore in play, one that alarms the Ministry of Finance, long the arbiter of fiscal rectitude. The ministry warns of a crisis of confidence in one of the world’s biggest bond markets. The chances of such a crisis, its officials say, will rise if no financing bill is approved by November, when the government will start to run out of money.
In theory the prime minister has wiggle room. For instance, the government might issue short-term financial bills instead of longer-term bonds to tide it over—provided, the law stipulates, there is confidence that by March 31st, the end of the fiscal year, investors will be repaid. Yet the longer the bill authorising the deficit-financing bonds is delayed, the greater is the risk that a rush of bonds issued at the end of the fiscal year will swamp the market. So a passage of the bill in November is much to be preferred.
Knowing this, Mr Noda is probably keen to pass the bill soon. In return for its co-operation, the opposition will demand that he promises to dissolve the Diet in November. The election would then be held in early December.
Mr Noda would probably lose. The prime minister’s popularity, according to the latest polls, is below that of the LDP’s new leader, Shinzo Abe. Mr Noda has alienated voters with flip-flops over nuclear power and a bill to raise the consumption tax that partially ruptured his Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ). Mr Noda’s chief hope is that the shine quickly comes off Mr Abe. A prime minister once before, in 2006-07, Mr Abe stepped down because of illness and government blunders. He remains controversial, not least because he holds provocatively nationalistic views: on October 17th he visited Tokyo’s Yasukuni shrine, which honours war criminals among Japan’s war dead. (Neither the DPJ nor the LDP is likely to be popular enough to govern without alliances, whoever wins the election.)
野田很有可能在选举中落败。根据最近的民意调查,野田首相的民众支持率落后于自民党新总裁安倍晋三。野田在核能问题上拖拖拉拉的表现使他失去了一些选民,而关于提高消费税的法案又使得其领导下的日本民主党(Democratic Party of Japan, DPJ)内产生部分破裂。野田现在最希望安倍的风头赶紧散去。安倍晋三曾在2006-07年任日本首相,后因健康原因和政府错误辞去首相职务。安倍仍是个颇具争议的人物,不仅仅因为他在民族主义上的激进表现:本月17号,安倍参拜靖国神社,那里供奉着包括战犯在内的日本战争的死难者。(无论谁赢得选举,不联盟的话,民主党和自民党都很难获得足够的民意支持以管理政府。)
Another obstacle may also have to be overcome before any election. The Supreme Court has declared the electoral system to be unconstitutional, because it gives too much voting power to rural constituencies in the lower house at the expense of urban voters. On October 14th the DPJ’s secretary-general, Azuma Koshiishi, suggested the party was prepared to go along with LDP proposals to scrap five of the offending single-seat constituencies in the lower house, without demanding a wider electoral reform. Yet even with such an agreement, it is not clear how long it would take to draw up new boundaries.
It all points to ways in which Mr Noda might hang on to power beyond December, though probably for no more than a month or two. In the meantime, however, the parliament would remain paralysed, with little Mr Noda could do to exercise power. That then would give an excuse to the opposition to propose a vote of no confidence. It remains eight votes short of victory. But for how long?
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