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连载(九)Don't make me smile

王悦 2012-10-17 天之聪教育 457次

 喜欢Barbara Park的作品,不仅因为她作为成年人,能够以孩童的视角洞察被大人忽略的情感,还因为作品中充满童趣。当然,英文表达比较简单,也是重要原因之一。下面这段摘自她的“Don't make me smile"一书,是讲述一个十一的岁男孩父母离婚以后,心里成长过程。试着将其翻译过来,权当练手,希望没把韩老师教的忘光,也欢迎各位同学指正。


WHEN MY father brought me home that afternoon, I said hello to my mother and went straight to my room. I wasn’t sure why I was in such a hurry to get there. But as soon as I closed my door, I started to cry.

It was really weird, too. I didn’t even know I was going to do it. And the worst part was, I couldn’t stop.

My father was still in the house. He heard me and came in to see what was wrong. I asked him to leave me alone.

When he left my room, I heard him tell my mother that it might be good for me “to get it out of my system.” They didn’t bother me after that.

This was the first time that I had cried in almost a week. In fact, until then I hadn’t even felt like crying, hardly. I guess I had been more mad than sad. But after seeing my father’s apartment, it all started sinking in.

Every time I thought about it, I cried even harder. I know this makes me sound like a total wuss. But I don’t really care. I think when you’re sensitive, you have more crying in you than other kids.

All I know for sure is that when my mother called me for dinner that night, I couldn’t eat a thing. I just sat there looking down at my food and sniffling. It was too bad, too. She had made fried chicken.

I tried to make her feel good by eating a few bites, but it was no use. I couldn’t swallow. I just sat there with chicken in my cheeks. Finally, Mom told me I could come back later If I was feeling better.

I went back to my room and cried a little more.

That night I must have been cried in my sleep. Because the next morning my pillowcase felt soggy.

It was Sunday, and there wasn’t much to do. I got up for a while and wandered around the house. But I kept ending back in my room, thinking about my mom and dad.

By late that afternoon, my mother was getting worried about me. The only time I had come out of my room was to get more Kleenex. She made me some homemade soup and brought it to my room. It was real nice of her and all. But I couldn’t eat it.

I went to bed early. I thought maybe if I got a good night’s sleep, I would feel better in the morning. But when the morning came, I still felt lousy. My mother must have sensed it, because she let me stay home from school again.

About nine o’clock, my father dropped by to see how I was doing. At least, I thought that’s why he came by. Actually, he had another reason. And it turned out to be a very sneaky one.

“Could you get your clothes in, Charlie?” he asked.

I shook my head. “No, Dad. Please. I can’t go to school today. I don’t feel good,” I said.

Anyone could see that I wasn’t faking.

“I know you don’t, Charlie,” said my father. “But there’s somewhere else I’d like to take you this morning. Just get ready, all right? It’ll be good for you.”

As I was getting dressed, I convinced myself that he was taking me out to breakfast. For some reason, even if I don’t have an appetite, the thought of blueberry pancakes usually cheers me up a little.

We drove for several miles. Finally, Dad pulled up in front of a small white building.

“Come on,” he said, getting out of the truck. “There’s someone in here I’d like you to meet.”

    It didn’t look much like a restaurant. I was getting suspicious.

My father and I went inside and headed down a long, narrow hall. When we were almost to the end, he stopped in front of one of the offices.

“Well, this is the place,” he said.

I looked at the sign on the door. It said:
         Child Psychologist

A shrink? Oh no. Not a shrink! I couldn’t believe he brought me here.
精神病医生? 噢,不!我真不敢相信,老爸带我来这看精神病医生!

“Why, Dad? Why did you do this? What a sneaky trick?” I said.

I started to back up, but my father grabbed me by the arm.

“Just talk to him one time, Charlie. That’s all I’m asking,” he said. “He can help you feel better. I know he can. If you don’t want to come back after today, you won’t have to.”

Quickly, he pushed open the door. The secretary at the desk looked up and smiled.

“Good morning, Mr. Hickle,” she said cheerfully. “This must be Charles.”

My father nodded. “Is Dr. Girard ready to see him?”

“Yes. He can go right in,” she said. She pointed to a door across the room.

Dad knocked twice, opened the door, and gave me a nudge. “I’ll be out here if you need me,” he said.

Dr. Girard was sitting at his desk. He wasn’t very old for a doctor. When he stood up to greet me, I could see that he was wearing faded jeans and a sweater. I don’t know why, but that really surprised me. I didn’t think doctors are allowed to wear jeans to work.

“Hi, Charlie,” he said, smiling. “I’m Henry Girard.”

I didn’t smile back. As a matter of fact, I didn’t even say hello. I just sort of stood there feeling like a fool. I still couldn’t believe that I was talking to a child psychologist. It made me feel all weird inside. Like I was a nutcase or something.

“Please, sit down,” said Dr. Girard.

I sat.

He sat, too.

“Do you know why your father brought you here today?” he asked.

“Not until you serve pancakes,” I said. “I thought he was taking me out to breakfast.”

Girard laughed. “Sorry,” he said. “But I have a hard time just making cereal.”

“Yeah, that’s what I afraid of,” I told him.

“Oh, believe me, Charlie,” he said. “There’s nothing here to afraid of. Your dad just brought you here because he knows that you’re really unhappy right now. And he’s hoping that maybe I can help.”

I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what I was supposed to say. I had never been a nutcase before.

Dr. Girard sat down in his chair. “So do you want to tell me what’s going on at home?” he asked.

“No, not really,” I said.

I wasn’t trying to be rude. It just felt weird talking to some strange man I didn’t even know. I mean, all you life your parents go around telling you not to talk to strangers. Then all of a sudden, they decide to get a divorce, and boom….they dump you in some strange guy’s office and they expect you to spill your guts out.

I looked around some more. “Where’s the couch?” I said. “Aren’t crazy people supposed to lie down on a couch when they talk to you?”

Dr. Girard laughed again. “Well, I don’t get many ‘crazy’ people in this office,” he said. “But you are not the only one who thinks that you have to be ‘crazy’ to come here. At first, almost everyone I see thinks that.”

I had to admit, the guy was trying to be understanding. But even so, he was still a stranger.

“It probably feels funny talking to a stranger about your problem, doesn’t it?” he said next.

Great. Now he was reading my mind.

“I promise you, Charlie. You won’t have to tell me anything that you don’t want to,” he said. “In fact, all I would like for you to do is answer one small question for me. It’s a question I ask all my patients. Are you ready?”

I nodded.

“Okay, here’s the question,” he said. “How do I look?”

Geez. What a stupid thing to ask.

I didn’t answer. If you ask me, answering a stupid question is almost as stupid as asking it.

Dr. Girard stared at me.

“I’m serious, Charlie. How do I look?” he asked again.

I was going to try to outstare him, but I figured he was probably a lot better at staring than I was. After all, he got o stare at people all day long. So finally, I gave in and answered the stupid question.

“You look fine,” I said. “Can I go now?’

Dr. Girard laughed some more. For a guy who worked with nutcases all day, he sure laughed a lot.

“Do you think you could be a little clearer?” he said. “I mean, do I look happy to you? Or depressed? Or mad? How do you think I look?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “I don’t know. I guess you look happy.”

“You are right,” he said. “I’m happy.”

Well, goody-goody for you, I thought. Why was he acting like such an idiot all of a sudden? Personally, I didn’t care whether he was happy or not. All I wanted to do was get out of there.

Dr. Girard kept talking. “The thing is, though, I wasn’t always as happy as I am right now. As a matter of fact, Charlie, when I was your age, I was just about the most miserable kid that you’ve ever seen in your life.”

I knew he was setting me up. He wanted me to ask him why he used to be miserable. I tried not to, too. But my curiosity got the best of me.

“Okay. I give up,” I said. “Why were you miserable?”

“For the exact same reason that you are,” he said. “I was miserable because my parents told me they were getting divorced.”

I should have known he was going to say that. He was trying to find a way to get me to talk about my own situation. It was sneaky, I thought. But it wouldn’t work.

“As a matter of fact,” continued Dr. Girard, “I was so unhappy about the divorce that I did something pretty strange.”

Once again, my curiosity got to me. What could he have done that was any stranger than the thing I had done? What was stranger than going to live in a tree?

“So what did you do?” I asked.

“I stopped to speaking to my parents,” he said.

I rolled my eyes. That was it? He honestly thought that not speaking to your parents was strange?

“No offense, Dr. Girard,” I said. “But what’s such a big deal about not speaking to your parents? I stop speaking to my parents all the time.”

“For a whole year, Charlie?” he asked. “I didn’t speak to either one of my parents for a year. Not one word.”

Now I felt insulted.

“Oh, come on,” I said. “I’m not some dumb little kid, you know. I understand what you’re trying to do here. You’re trying to get me to talk by making up a bunch of wild stories. No one can stop speaking to their parents for an entire year.”

Dr. Girard leaned over his desk and looked me straight in the eye.

“One….whole…year,” he said again.

This time, I could tell he wasn’t kidding.

“But that’s impossible,” I said. “How could anyone stop talking for a whole year?”

“Wait. Hold it. I didn’t say that I stopped talking, completely,” he said. “I said that I stopped talking to my parents. I talked to everyone else just fine. My friends, teachers…everybody, except Mom and Dad.”

“Wow,” I said. “My mom and dad get mad if I calm up for even a couple of days. What did your parents do?”

“They did what your father did today,” he said. “They took me to a child psychologist. In fact, they took me to a bunch of psychologists. But it didn’t do any good. I was a very stubborn kid. I would talk to the psychologists as friendly as could be. Then I’d go home and not say another word.”

This was unbelievable. “So let me get this straight,” I said. “You didn’t say one single word to your parents at all? Nothing? Never? ”

Dr.Girard shook his head. “Nope. I mean once in a while, when they asked me a question, I would shake my head yes or no, but that’s about it. I never opened my mouth. Not even at Christmas.”

“So you didn’t ask for any presents?” I asked. This guy was amazing.

“Not one,” he said. “And believe me, that turned out to be a big mistake.”

“Why? What happened?” I asked.

“Well, that Christmas I really wanted a basketball hoop and a stereo,” he said. “but since I wasn’t speaking, no one knew it, I thought about writing a Christmas list on a piece of paper, but I decided that would be almost like talking, so I didn’t do it.

“Anyway,” he continued, “when I got up on Christmas morning, all I founded under the tree was a game of Life, a ton of school clothes, and some handmade mittens.”

I started to laugh.

“Wait. That’s not the worst part,” said Dr.Girard. “My mother put fruit in my stocking. Two oranges and an apple. She knew I’d hate that. I’m sure that’s why she did it.”

I laughed even louder.

“Take it from me, Charlie,” he said. “If you ever decide to stop talking to your parents for any length of time, wait until after the holidays.”

“Don’t worry,” I said. “I could never last as long as you did. I always think of too many mean things that I want to say to them.”

Dr.Girard nodded. “Well, sometimes, that’s okay.” he said. “Sometimes it’s better to say what’s on your mind even if it’s mean——than to keep everything inside.”

I shrugged. “I don’t know,” I said. “I’ve said plenty of mean things to them already, but it doesn’t seem to be helping me that much. I still feel just as rotten as I did when they first told me. Maybe even rottener.”

The doctor thought a minute. “Tell me something, Charlie. When did you first find out about the divorce?” he asked.

“Last Sunday night,” I said.

Dr. Girard looked surprised. “Last Sunday night? But that was only a week ago.”

“Yes, I know,” I said. “It’s been a whole week, and I feel just as bad now as I did then.”

He leaned forward. “But that’s what I’m trying to tell you, “ he said. “A week is no time at all, Charlie. If you’re thinking that you should feel better in only a week, you’re in for a very unpleasant surprise. It takes time to get over something as big as this. Lots of time.”

 “I understand that, Dr. Girard,” I said. “But every day I seem to feel even sadder than the day before. I think I’m getting worse instead of better.”

He shook his head. “Let me try to explain something to you,” he said. “What if lat Sunday night, instead of finding out about the divorce, you’d had an accident. Let’s say that you fell off your bike and you broke your arm. Okay?”

“Okay,” I said.

“Well, if last Sunday night you fell off your bike and broke your arm. Would you expect it to be healed by today?”

“No,” I said.

“No, of course you wouldn’t,” he said. “Because you know that broken bones take lots of time to heal. But what a lot of people don’t know is that there is another part of us that can take even longer to heal than broken bones. And that is our emotional part, Charlie. Our hurt, broken feelings.”

I signed. “No. you don’t get it, Dr. Girard,” I said. “It’s not just my feelings that are hurt. This is a lot worse than that. Hurt feelings happen when your father puts his chef’s hat on his hand instead of his head. I can get over stuff like that. I do it all the time.”

Dr. Girard looked puzzled. But I didn’t feel like explaining the chef’s hat thing, so I kept on going.

“My parents are ruining my whole life,” I said. “It’s like they’ve wrecked every part of it. And nothing will ever be the same again.”

“Like what?” asked Dr. Girard.

“Like everything,” I said. “You ought to know. Like the three of us never take a vacation together again. And on Christmas morning, it will only be Mom and me. And whenever I have something special to tell my dad, I’ll have to call him on the phone. Before, when I had something to tell him, I used to just listen for the sound of his truck pulling into the driveway after work. But I can’t do that anymore. Because he won’t be coming home anymore.”

“It doesn’t seem fair, does it, Charlie?” said Dr. Girard quietly. “You’re not the one who caused any of this, but you’re the one who’s feeling all the hurt.”

Suddenly, I felt tears coming into my eyes. It’s embarrassing as anything to cry in front of strangers. I kept my head down so he couldn’t see.

“Do you have a kleenex?” I asked. “I think there’s something in my eye.”

Dr. Girard handed me a whole box of tissues off his desk. I blew my nose.

“I must be catching a cold,” I said.

Finally, I looked up. “So how much time do you think it will take before I feel better?”

“I won’t kid you, Charlie,” he said. “It’s not going to be quick. But there are certain things that you can do to help speed things along.”  

“Like what?” I asked.

“Like telling your parents what you’re thinking, and not keeping your feelings all locked up inside of you like I did,” he said. “Keeping everything in only makes it hurt worse.”

“Yeah, well, like I told you before, I’ve already said some pretty mean stuff.”

“I know. But remember,” he said, “there’s a big difference between ‘telling’ your feelings and ‘yelling’ your feelings. Eventually, you’re going to need to start talking to your parents more calmly about things, Charlie. Calmly, but honestly.

He stood up. “I’m here everyday. Monday through Friday, plus most Saturdays. If you ever want to talk to me again, just give me a call and we’ll set it up. I mean it, okay? You can call me anytime.

He reached out to shake my hand. Whenever a grown-up shakes my hand, it always makes me self-conscious. I never know how hard I’m supposed to squeeze. If you squeeze too tight, a lot of grown-up will make some dumb comment, like, “Wow, that’s a quite a grip you’ve got there, tiger!” I hate it when they do that.

Anyhow, this time I must have squeezed just right, because Dr.Girard didn’t comment at all.

When I left the office, the secretary gave me a card with his number on it. I shoved it in my pocket.

My father came over and put his arm around me. We walked outside to the truck.

“So how did it go?” he asked. “Are you still mad at me for bringing you?”

At first, I wasn’t going to speak to him. But then I thought about what Dr.Girard had said about honesty.

“I think it was really rotten for you to bring me here without telling me, Dad” I said. “At least you could have been honest about it. I thought you were taking me out to breakfast.”

My father knew I was right. “I’m sorry,” he said. “I know I should have told you, but I was afraid you wouldn’t come.”

True. Very true. But I didn’t admit it.

“Listen,” he said. “It’s still not too late for some breakfast. Why don’t we go over to my apartment and I’ll fix some scrambled eggs.”

    I couldn’t let him off too easy. “No, thanks,” I said. “I have a hard time eating over there.”

Dad drove me home without saying another word. When I got inside, I went straight to my room. I didn’t cry or anything this time. though. Instead, I took out Dr. Girard’s card and looked at it.

If any of my friends ever saw it, they just wouldn’t understand.

I walked to my wastebasket and tore it up.

Before I did, I memorized the number.
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