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天之聪教育 2012-10-16 new york times 425次

China in Hollywood, Hailed and Investigated


LOS ANGELES - The powerful gatekeeper of China's rapidly growing film world, the China Film Group chairman Han Sanping, will be here on Oct. 30 to receive an award as the China Entertainment Visionary of the Year. He will be honored at the third annual U.S.-China Film Summit, sponsored by the Asia Society of Southern California.
洛杉矶——执掌中国迅速增长的电影产业准入大权的中国电影集团主席韩三平将于10月30日抵达洛杉矶,接受第三届美中电影峰会(U.S.-China Film Summit)颁发的“中国年度娱乐业远见卓识人物奖”(China Entertainment Visionary of the Year),该奖项由亚洲学会南加州分会(Asia Society of Southern California)赞助。

When Mr. Han arrives, it appears there will be a still-unanswered question waiting: What has become of the investigation by United States officials into possible violations by companies here of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act in their dealings with Chinese film companies?
韩三平抵达时,似乎仍将面临一个悬而未决的问题:美国官员针对本地公司与中国影业公司的交易中可能触犯《反海外腐败法》(Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)所展开的调查,究竟进展如何?

Word of the investigation surfaced in April with reports that the Securities and Exchange Commission had contacted a number of Hollywood studios about their business in China.
有关这次调查的报道出现于今年4月,根据报道,美国证券交易委员会(Securities and Exchange Commission)已经联系了一些好莱坞制片公司,向他们询问在华业务情况。


Mr. Han, whose company is the principal conduit for China's film dealings with foreigners, said at the time that he knew nothing of the investigation, or any improper dealings.

But the China hands on this shore are hungry to know more about the inquiry. In August, Variety reported that Hollywood lawyers, during a panel discussion conducted by the Beverly Hills Bar Association, complained that uncertainty over the investigation was threatening to put deals on hiatus.
不过,美国一边的“中国通”却急于了解更多的调查详情。今年8月,影视新闻杂志《综艺》(Variety)报道,在贝佛利山律师协会(Beverly Hills Bar Association)举行的一次专题讨论会上,好莱坞的律师们抱怨,围绕这项调查的不确定性有可能使好莱坞与中国的交易暂停。

Given the enormous expansion in China's entertainment links with United States companies, including the acquisition last month of AMC Entertainment by the Dalian Wanda Group, this year's film event, to be held at Covel Commons on the University of California, Los Angeles, campus, will be a hot one. Those attending include Lewis Coleman, the president of DreamWorks Animation, who, like Mr. Han, will receive an award, and Bruno Wu, the chairman of China's Seven Stars Entertainment.
美国公司与中国娱乐业的联系不断扩大,其中包括大连万达集团于上个月对AMC娱乐控股公司(AMC Entertainment)的并购。有鉴于此,今年这场即将在加州大学洛杉矶分校(University of California, Los Angeles)卡沃尔公共区举行的电影峰会将成为备受瞩目的一大盛事。参加本次盛会的还包括梦工厂动画公司总裁刘易斯·科尔曼(Lewis Coleman)和中国七星娱乐集团主席吴征。和韩三平一样,刘易斯·科尔曼也将接受本次峰会的颁奖。

But it won't be easy to get through the very first panel discussion, titled "Year in Review in Hollywood-China Relations," without discussing the big question: What's up with the investigation?

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