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纽约时报 2012-10-16 纽约时报 1344次

Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian Leader Through Shifting Allegiances, Dies at 89



Norodom Sihanouk, the charismatic Cambodian leader whose remarkable skills of political adaptation personified for the world the tiny, troubled kingdom where he was a towering figure through six decades, died early Monday in Beijing. He was 89.

柬埔寨前国王诺罗敦·西哈努克(Norodom Sihanouk)于本周一凌晨在北京逝世,享年89岁。富有感召力的西哈努克作为柬埔寨的标志性人物长达60多年,其非凡的政治适应技巧,使他在世界上成为动乱的小国柬埔寨的象征。

The death was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Nhiek Bunchhay, quoted by news services. The former king had been dogged by ill health for years and regularly traveled to China for treatment.

据几家通讯社报道,柬埔寨副首相涅本蔡(Nhiek Bunchhay)宣布了西哈努克逝世的消息。在过去多年里, 这位前国王一直疾病缠身,并定期前往中国接受治疗。

King Sihanouk was crowned in 1941, when Franklin D. Roosevelt was president, and held on to some form of power for the next 60-plus years. He served as monarch, prime minister, figurehead of the Communist revolution, leader in exile, and once again as monarch until he abdicated in 2004. He handed the crown to one of his sons, Norodom Sihamoni, after which he was known as the retired king, or the king-father.

早在1941年,在富兰克林·D·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)担任总统时,西哈努克就被加冕为国王。在接下来的60多年里,他一直维持着某种形式的权力。他曾是一位国王、并担任过首相、共产主义革命的傀儡、流亡领袖、最后再次成为国王,直到2004年退位。他将王位传与其子之一,诺罗敦·西哈莫尼(Norodom Sihamoni),之后成为前国王,也被称为太王。

He survived colonial wars, the Khmer Rouge and the intrigues of the cold war, but his last years were marked by expressions of melancholy, and he complained often about the poverty and abuses of what he called “my poor nation.”

他艰难度过了殖民战争时期,红色高棉(Khmer Rouge)时期和充斥着阴谋的冷战时期。然而,他的晚年以忧郁的表露为标志,常常抱怨他称之为“我可怜的国家”的贫穷和备受欺凌。

Alternately charming and ruthless, he dazzled world leaders with his political wit and, in the process, raised the stature of his small Southeast Asian nation. He won independence for Cambodia from the French colonial rulers in 1953, using diplomacy and repression to outmaneuver his domestic rivals but without resorting to war, as his neighbors in Vietnam had done.


He put his nation on a modern footing in the 1960s, especially bolstering the education system, but his Buddhist socialist agenda did poorly and produced economic stagnation.


When the Vietnam War threatened to engulf the region, he tried to carve out a neutral role for Cambodia, siding neither with the Communists nor the United States. But when the Vietnamese Communists began using the port of Sihanoukville and Cambodia’s eastern border to ship military supplies on what was known as the Ho Chi Minh Trail, he took steps to repair relations with the United States. He turned a blind eye when the Nixon administration undertook a secret bombing campaign in 1969 against the border area of Cambodia. But this only furthered unsettled his country and led to a coup that ousted him the next year.

越南战争(Vietnam War)威胁到该地区的时候,他试图将柬埔寨打造成一个中立国,既不站在共产主义者一边,也不站在美国一边。然而,当越南共产党开始利用西哈努克市(Sihanoukville)和柬埔寨东部边境的胡志明小道(Ho Chi Minh Trail)运送武器装备时,他开始采取行动,修复和美国的关系。1969年,尼克松(Nixon)政府对柬埔寨边境地区实施了秘密轰炸行动,他故意视而不见。然而,这种做法只是让他的国家变得更加动荡,并导致次年的政变,他被迫下台。

Convinced that the United States had been behind the overthrow, King Sihanouk allied himself with the Khmer Rouge at the urging of his Chinese patrons, giving the Cambodian Communists his prestige and enormous popularity. Their victory in 1975 brought the ruthless Pol Pot to power, with King Sihanouk serving, for the first year, as the figurehead president until he was placed under house arrest and fell into a deep depression. Over the next four years, the Khmer Rouge regime led to the death of 1.7 million people and nearly destroyed the country.

西哈努克国王确信是美国支持了政变,推翻了他,于是,他在中国庇护者的敦促下,和红色高棉政权结盟,柬埔寨共产党得以利用他的声望和巨大的民望。柬共1975年取得胜利,残忍无情的波尔布特(Pol Pot)上台掌权。波尔布特掌权的第一年,西哈努克国王出任傀儡总统,直到后来被软禁,终日郁郁。在之后的四年里,红色高棉的统治使170万人丧生,几乎毁了整个国家。

Criticized throughout his life for these dramatic shifts in allegiances, King Sihanouk said he followed only one course in politics: “the defense of the independence, the territorial integrity and the dignity of my country and my people.”


In fact, he skillfully manipulated the great powers, usually with the support of China, to ensure his survival as well as his country’s independence. His worst nightmare, he said in an interview, was to be pushed out of his country’s political life into a quiet retirement, like Vietnam’s last empower, Bao Dai, who died in obscurity in Paris in 1997.

实际上,他往往在中国的支持下,巧妙地摆布大国势力,借以自保,也维持国家的独立。在一次采访中,他披露,自己最害怕的恶梦就是,被排挤出柬埔寨的政治生活,在寂寞冷清中终老,像越南末代皇帝保大(Bao Dai)一样。1997年,保大于寂寂无闻之中在巴黎逝世。

Instead, King Sihanouk returned in 1993 as monarch and head of state after an accord brokered by the United Nations ended nearly 14 years of war in Cambodia.


Even in his darkest moments, the king never lost his flair for flamboyance or his taste for the finer things. As a young ruler and the scion of one of Asia’s oldest royal houses, he gained a well-deserved reputation as a playboy, a gourmand and an amateur filmmaker.


In his years in exile with his wife, Queen Monique, he kept his Cambodian movement alive by lavishly entertaining diplomats and foreign officials with Champagne breakfasts and elaborate French meals.

在和王后莫尼列(Queen Monique)流亡的岁月里,他出手阔绰地用香槟早餐和精心制作的法国大餐招待外交使节和外国官员,以此维系他的柬埔寨运动。

Denied any active role in government, he contented himself with the ceremonial position of king, still revered by many peasants.


Occasionally he interfered in politics. He undermined Prince Norodom Ranariddh, another son, by forcing him to accept a position as co-prime minister after winning the first postwar democratic election in 1993. Prince Ranariddh was ousted from that position in a coup by the other co-prime minister, Hun Sen, who became the country’s dominant power during King Sihanouk’s final years.

他偶尔也干预政治。1993年,他逼迫自己的另一个儿子诺罗敦·拉那烈(Norodom Ranariddh)王子,在赢得战后第一次民主大选后,接受妥协,出任政府第一首相,由洪森(Hun Sen)任第二首相,在后者发起的政变中,拉那烈王子被迫下台。西哈努克在世的最后一段时间里,洪森成为柬埔寨的实权统治者。

Norodom Sihanouk was born in Phnom Penh, the Cambodian capital, on Oct. 31, 1922. A prince of the Norodom branch of the royal family, he was never considered a serious candidate to gain the throne. Instead, he was seen as a sensitive, if lonely, prince with a serious gift for music and, later, a passion for film.


He received a first-rate French education, initially at a primary school in Phnom Penh and then at the Lycee Chasseloup-Laubat in Saigon, the best in colonial Indochina. He was only 18 when King Monivong died in 1941 and the French colonial powers tapped him as the unlikely successor.


France had surrendered to Nazi Germany and was under Vichy control, worried that it would also lose its Indochinese colonies to Japan. The prince seemed the most malleable candidate, the one who would obey the dictates of French colonial officials.


For the first three years, King Sihanouk, a true francophile, met all their expectations. As World War II engulfed Asia, he was a loyal partner of the French colonial administrators, who collaborated with Japan and hoped to fend off a nascent Cambodian independence movement.

起初的三年,真心实意亲法的西哈努克的表现,的确符合法国人的所有预期。当二次世界大战(World War II)的战火席卷亚洲时,他成了法国殖民统治者的忠诚伙伴。当时,殖民当局与日本勾结,希望能抵挡新生的柬埔寨独立运动。

In those early years, King Sihanouk seemed uninterested in government. He filled his days pursuing women and, in the tradition of his forebears, had several consorts who eventually bore him at least 13 children.


But in March 1945, as they were losing the war, the Japanese sought to oust the French in Cambodia. King Sihanouk stepped forward on the side of Japan and declared Cambodia the new independent state of Kampuchea. With Japan’s defeat, King Sihanouk welcomed back the French, largely ignoring the growing number of Cambodians who thought their country should remain independent.


By his own account, the king did not pick up the banner of independence again until 1951, using it to fend off challenges from democratic and Communist movements demanding an end to French colonialism.


Taking advantage of the increasing French weakness from Communist victories in neighboring Vietnam, King Sihanouk persuaded the French to make Cambodia independent in November 1953 in advance of the 1954 Geneva peace conference that led to a divided Vietnam.


Then in a cunning move, King Sihanouk announced he would give up the throne to run in his country’s first independent elections. Through a combination of repression, rigging and reliance on the votes of peasants who still considered him a god-king, his party swept the elections, and he set about creating Cambodia anew.


His brand of politics evolved into a one-party rule with some dissidents and rival parties pulled into his umbrella political party, the People’s Socialist Community. In Phnom Penh, he nurtured a cafe society of intellectuals while he left the countryside in what he considered a more or less bucolic state but that was, in fact, a backward region of grinding poverty.

他的政治演变成了一党统治,部分异见人士和对立党派被拉拢进他的人民社会同盟(People’s Socialist Community)。他在金边扶持了一个经常出入咖啡馆的知识分子上层社会,而在农村保持了他认为多少有些田园风情的现状,但事实上,那些落后地区的状态是极度的贫困。

In contrast to its neighbors — Vietnam to the east, with its war, and Thailand to the west, with its disfiguring modern development and militarisn — Cambodia appeared to be a welcome oasis throughout the 1960s, with now Prince Sihanouk presiding as charming, benevolent despot, treating his citizens like devoted children.


At the same time, he was imprisoning and sometimes executing opponents or driving others — notably the Communist leader Solath Sar, who would become Pol Pot — into exile and fueling discontent that fed growing political opposition and eventually armed insurrection.

但与此同时,他监禁反对者,有时还将他们处死,或驱逐出境,值得注意的一位是共产党领导人沙罗斯·沙尔(Solath Sar),也就是后来的波尔布特。这些都导致了不满情绪的上升,使他在政治上面临的反对日益增多,并最终引发了武装暴动。

Stories about King Sihanouk’s extravagance became a staple of the diplomatic circuit, especially as he turned his hand to his first loves — music and film. He entertained guests at his exclusive parties on his saxophone and embarked on a film career, eventually producing 19 movies for which he was director, producer, scriptwriter, composer and often leading man.


All the while he was head of state of a country increasingly squeezed by the Vietnam War. With King Sihanouk’s acquiescence, the Vietnamese Communists used Cambodia for its logistics. When the Vietnamese sanctuaries expanded, he only mildly objected to the United States’s secret bombing of them. That bombing campaign was later cited in the articles of impeachment drawn up but never used against President Richard M. Nixon.

与此同时他担任着国家元首的柬埔寨,正日益受到越南战争的影响。在西哈努克国王的默许下,越南共产党把柬埔寨当做它的后勤基地。当越南人的藏身之地进一步扩大、美国开始秘密轰炸这些地方后,他只是略微表示了抗议。后来,针对理查德·M·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)总统的弹劾条款中提到了这个轰炸行动,但这些起草出来的条款最终没有用上。

Despite the growing unrest in Cambodia, King Sihanouk was unprepared for his overthrow in 1970 by Prince Sirik Matak, a cousin, and Gen. Lon Nol. Supported by the United States, the new government immediately allowed American troops to invade Cambodia from Vietnam.

尽管柬埔寨国内日益动荡,但当1970年被他的表兄弟施里玛达殿下(Sirik Matak)和郎诺将军(Lon Nol)推翻时,他依然措手不及。在美国的支持下,新政府立即允许美军从越南入侵柬埔寨。

The invasion ignited protests around the world, including those at Kent State University in Ohio, where national guardsmen killed four students. After his ouster, King Sihanouk fled to Beijing, where Chinese leaders persuaded him to join forces with Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, the group of Cambodian Communists that had been seeking to overthrow him since the ’60s.

美国对柬埔寨的入侵在全世界引发了抗议,其中包括发生在俄亥俄州肯特州立大学(Kent State University)的抗议,其间国民警卫队枪杀了四名学生。被罢黜后,西哈努克国王逃往北京。那里的中国领导人说服他携手与波尔布特的红色高棉(Khmer Rouge)合作。红色高棉是柬埔寨的共产党组织,从20世纪60年代以来一直在寻求推翻他。

Although King Sihanouk had aggressively pursued the Khmer Rouge, arresting and often torturing them, he was so stung by the betrayal of the coup plotters that he agreed to head their resistance. His name and appearance in propaganda films and booklets helped the Communists recruit peasants in Cambodia and gave respectability to their cause in diplomatic circles. In the end, King Sihanouk helped bring Pol Pot to power.


The Khmer Rouge won in 1975 and immediately began a reign of terror. Cambodians were ordered out of the towns and cities and sent to grueling work camps and farms in the countryside. Cambodia was cut off from the rest of the world. Society was destroyed, with all religion and professions outlawed.


Intellectuals, monks and anyone deemed a political enemy were murdered. Tens of thousands of people died of treatable diseases, overwork or starvation.


King Sihanouk was the titular president during the first year of the Khmer Rouge rule. He said he had resigned a year later and was put under house arrest with his consort, Princess Monique, in one of the palaces.


He was rescued when the Vietnamese invaded Cambodia and overthrew the Khmer Rouge in 1979. But rather than turn against Pol Pot, King Sihanouk went to the United Nations and defended him, saying the country’s enemy was Vietnam.


For the next 12 years, King Sihanouk provided a fig leaf of respectability for the Khmer Rouge as they and several non-Communist groups tried to evict Vietnam from Cambodia in the name of national liberation. The United States, China and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations supported King Sihanouk, who maneuvered himself into a pivotal role in the final negotiations. Lined up against him, the Khmer Rouge and the rest of the resistance were Vietnam, the Soviet Union and Hun Sen, who was then the head of the Cambodian government established under the Vietnamese occupation.

接下来的12年里,西哈努克国王一直为红色高棉遮羞,红色高棉和其他几个非共产党团体以民族解放的名义试图将越南赶出柬埔寨。美国、中国和东南亚国家联盟(Association of Southeast Asian Nations)站在了西哈努克国王一边。他巧妙地把自己变成了最终谈判中的关键角色。站在另一边反对他、红色高棉以及其他抵抗力量的是越南、苏联和洪森。洪森当时是越南占领下成立的柬埔寨政府的领导人。

With the end of the cold war, Cambodia was no longer hostage to great power politics. The United Nations negotiated a settlement to the war in 1991, and national elections were held two years later. King Sihanouk returned to Phnom Penh to a thunderous welcome, encouraging him to believe he could become a powerful chief of state once again. But other Cambodian politicians, including his own children, did not want him back in control.


A party led by Prince Norodom Ranariddh won the elections. Hun Sen’s party came in second; the Khmer Rouge boycotted the elections. Furious that he had lost, Hun Sen and his surrogates threatened to reignite the war. King Sihanouk stepped in and persuaded the United Nations to create the position of co-prime minister for Hun Sen, effectively nullifying his son’s victory. However, King Sihanouk was returned to the throne and became king-father for the rest of his life.


Chastened, he maintained that he had been above the fray throughout, attempting to duplicate the role of national unifier played by King Bhumibol Adulyadej in neighboring Thailand.

尽管感到愧疚,但他坚称自己自始至终都超脱于争执之外,试图像邻国泰国的普密蓬·阿杜德(Bhumibol Adulyadej)国王那样,扮演一个促进国家统一者的角色。

But for the most part, King Sihanouk sided with Hun Sen, his political son. Toward the end of his life, the king reduced his once hectic travel schedule and rarely ventured outside Asia. Beijing, where the Chinese government maintained a villa for him, was his most frequent destination.


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