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纽约时报 2012-10-14 纽约时报 569次


A Pride of Literary Lions, Unleashed All at Once



The list reads like a Who’s Who at an exclusive book party: Junot Díaz, Ian McEwan, J. K. Rowling, Zadie Smith and Tom Wolfe.

读这份名单就像是读某个图书签售会上的名人录:胡诺·迪亚斯(Junot Díaz)、伊恩·麦克尤恩(Ian McEwan)、J·K·罗琳(J. K. Rowling)、扎蒂·史密斯(Zadie Smith)和汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolfe)。

All are superstar authors who are releasing hugely anticipated books this fall, colliding in one of the most crowded literary traffic jams in recent memory.


Fall is traditionally the biggest season in the book business, the time that publishers reserve for their most high-profile authors. But this year it is especially crammed with writers who are both household names and have not released a book in several years, like the octogenarian Mr. Wolfe, whose last novel, “I Am Charlotte Simmons,” was published in 2004, and Mr. Díaz, the Pulitzer Prize-winning author of “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao,” which came out in 2007.

传统上,秋季是出版业最盛大的季节,出版社都把这段时间保留给最重要的作者发布新书。而今年的秋季尤其繁忙,许多家喻户晓的作家赶在这时候推出了好几年来的第一本书,譬如八旬老作家沃尔夫,他的上一部长篇小说《我是夏洛特·西蒙斯》(I Am Charlotte Simmons)出版还是2004年的事了,而迪亚斯获得普利策小说奖的《奥斯卡·瓦奥短暂而奇妙的一生》(The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao)则是2007年出版的。

Salman Rushdie, the author of “Midnight’s Children,” will release a memoir, “Joseph Anton,” that goes on sale on Sept. 18. Ms. Rowling, best known for her phenomenally best-selling Harry Potter series, has written her first novel for adults, “The Casual Vacancy.”

《午夜的孩子》作者萨尔曼·拉什迪(Salman Rushdie)的回忆录《约瑟夫·安东》(Joseph Anton)将在9月18日开售。以哈利·波特系列风靡世界的J.K.罗琳首部主要面向成年人读者的小说《临时空缺》(The Casual Vacancy)也即将上架。

In November Nan A. Talese/Doubleday will release Ian McEwan’s “Sweet Tooth,” a novel featuring his first female protagonist since Briony Tallis in “Atonement.” Michael Chabon’s new novel, “Telegraph Avenue,” is scheduled for release on Sept. 11, five years after his most recent book, “The Yiddish Policemen’s Union.”

11月,道布尔戴出版集团旗下的南·A·塔利斯出版社(Nan A. Talese/Doubleday)将发布伊恩·麦克尤恩的新作《爱吃甜食的人》(Sweet Tooth),这是他自《赎罪》(Atonement)中的布里奥妮·塔利斯(Briony Tallis)之后,首部以女性为主人公的长篇小说。迈克尔·夏邦(Michael Chabon)则定于9月11日推出他自五年前的《犹太警察工会》(The Yiddish Policemen’s Union)之后的最新作品《电报街》(Telegraph Avenue)。

The pileup has left publishers jostling for shelf space and publication dates, and critics wondering how they can review all of the elite writers worthy of attention — not to mention the debut and midlist authors who might be neglected.

重磅作品扎堆令出版社为了争抢最佳书店位置和上市时间大动干戈。书评人们也很伤脑筋,他们怎么才能评论所有值得关注的大牌作家新书呢? 更别提那些可能被忽视的新作家和二三线作家了。

“You can only read so much,” said Ron Charles, the fiction editor for The Washington Post. “There are some real giants this year. It’s difficult for places like us that just run one review a day.”

《华盛顿邮报》的小说编辑罗恩·查尔斯(Ron Charles)说:“你只能读这么多,而今年又有些真正的大作家新作。像我们这样每天只发一篇书评的报纸,可真麻烦。”

Booksellers, who are preparing to stock their shelves with titles that will stay there until Christmas, have been thrilled by the lineup, saying it could be one of the richest fall seasons in five years or more.


“I just can’t imagine what October is going to look like on our shelves,” said Gayle Shanks, an owner of Changing Hands bookstore in Tempe, Ariz. “I think we’re going to have to add a few cases for fiction.”

“我简直无法想象10月份我们书店会是怎样的景象。”亚利桑那州坦帕市的易手书店(Changing Hands)店主盖尔·尚克斯(Gayle Shanks)说:“我想我们得多进几箱小说。”

Daniel Goldin, the owner of Boswell Book Company in Milwaukee, Wis., said he was “thrilled” by the unusually deep selection of big fiction titles.

威斯康辛州密尔沃基市鲍斯威尔书店(Boswell Book Company)的店主丹尼尔·高尔丁(Daniel Goldin)说,他对难得有这么多重磅小说可选而感到“很兴奋”。

“It always seems like we are scrounging for literary books to sell in the fall, and wind up going back to winter and spring for inspiration,” he wrote in an e-mail, adding that this year he was looking forward to selling books by T. C. Boyle, Sherman Alexie, Louise Erdrich and Ken Follett.

“我们好像总是在乞求秋季能有文学书卖,最后却是在冬天和春天找到安慰。”他在一封电子邮件中写道。他提到今年还期待T·C·博伊尔(T.C. Boyle)、谢尔曼·亚力克西(Sherman Alexie)、路易丝·厄德里克(Louise Erdrich)和肯·福莱特(Ken Follett)等人的新书。

Last month New York magazine published an interactive graphic carrying the headline, “Which Event Novel Should You Read This Fall?,” guiding readers through all of the choices. In a fall books forecast, Flavorpill, the online cultural guide, said that the season promised “to be a doozy, with September in particular filled with some serious literary heavy hitters, and enough great reads piled up through the autumn months to get you fat and happy just in time for winter.”


Geoffrey Kloske, the publisher of Riverhead Books, an imprint of Penguin Group USA, said that publishers had to consider the competition for spots on best-seller lists, placement in bookstores and media coverage.

企鹅出版集团(美国)旗下河源出版社(Riverhead Books)出版人杰弗里·克罗斯克(Geoffrey Kloske)说,出版商必须考虑为各自的大书争取在畅销书排行榜上的位置、在书店的陈列位置和媒体版面而竞争了。

“If a publisher thinks a writer is coming out too quickly on the heels of some previous work or, more likely, the work is a little shaky, then she’ll probably spend a lot of time glancing over her shoulder,” he said.


Some readers appear to be stocking up early. On Amazon, a listing for Mr. Rushdie’s memoir noted that some customers who had bought the book also preordered books by Barbara Kingsolver, Mark Helprin, Mr. McEwan, Ms. Smith and Mr. Chabon.

有些读者显然在早早地未雨绸缪了。在亚马逊网站上,拉什迪回忆录的订购信息显示,买了此书的顾客还预订了芭芭拉·金索沃(Barbara Kingsolver)、马克·赫尔普林(Mark Helprin)、麦克尤恩、扎蒂·史密斯、迈克尔·夏邦的新书。

The nonfiction side has its share of major titles too, including the surprise book by a former member of the Navy SEALs describing the Osama bin Laden raid, which was released on Tuesday; a Bob Woodward book on the Obama administration and the economy; a memoir by the musician Pete Townshend; and “The Oath,” Jeffrey Toobin’s study of the Obama administration and the Supreme Court.

非虚构类图书中也有一些大书,其中包括星期二出版的一名前海军海豹突击队员披露突袭本·拉登行动的书、鲍勃·伍德沃德(Bob Woodward)关于奥巴马政府和经济的书、音乐人彼得·汤申德(Pete Townshend)的回忆录以及杰弗里·图宾(Jeffrey Toobin)关于奥巴马政府与最高法院的专著《誓言》(The Oath)。

This season may be especially compressed because of the presidential election on Nov. 6, an event that several publishers privately said that they were trying to avoid, lest it take away from news media attention they might receive for their books.


Michele Filgate, the events coordinator at Community Bookstore in Park Slope, Brooklyn, said that when media coverage was devoted to an election, “a lot of books can get lost in the shuffle.”

布鲁克林公园坡地区(Park Slope)社区书店(Community Bookstore)的活动协调人米歇尔·菲尔盖特(Michele Filgate)说,当媒体只顾着选举的时候,“有许多书就在这种闹哄哄的报道中消失了” 。

“When it’s an election year, publishers tend to save their big books for the spring instead of the fall,” she said. “This year they’re still bringing out some of the A-list authors.”


Mr. Wolfe’s new book, “Back to Blood,” set in Miami, will come out on Oct. 23, just two weeks before the election. Books by Dennis Lehane and J. R. Moehringer are also scheduled for a fall release.

沃尔夫以迈阿密为背景的新书《回到热血》(Back to Blood)将在10月23日,也就是大选两周前上市。而丹尼斯·勒翰(Dennis Lehane)、J·R·莫林格(J.R. Moehringer)也定于秋季推出新书。

For shows like NPR’s “Fresh Air” with Terry Gross, one of the most plum spots for authors to promote their books, interviewers and reviewers are dividing their time among genres, said Maureen Corrigan, the show’s longtime book critic.

对于类似国家公共广播电台(NPR)特里·格罗斯(Terry Gross)主持的脱口秀“新鲜空气”(Fresh Air)这种最适合作者宣传新书的热门节目来说,采访人和书评人还得把时间分给不同类型的图书——该节目的长期书评人莫莲·克里根(Maureen Corrigan)表示。

“This week alone I’m reading a political autobiography, a debut novel and the Zadie Smith, and I’m trying to make a decision by tomorrow which one I’m going to go with,” she said. “It does seem like an embarrassment of riches.”


Some bookstores have struggled to find enough evenings for author events. Rebecca Fitting, an owner of Greenlight Bookstore in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, said it had been at least four to five years since a fall season was crammed with so much high-profile fiction. To squeeze all of the available authors into their schedule, the store planned events on nights — like Friday — that were previously off-limits, said another owner, Jessica Stockton Bagnulo.

有些书店还因为能安排作者活动的晚上不够用而伤脑筋。布鲁克林格林要塞(Fort Greene)的绿灯书店(Greenlight Bookstore)店主丽贝卡·费丁(Rebecca Fitting)说,上一次出现这么多文学大书挤在秋季出版的现象,至少是四五年前的事了。另一位店主杰西卡·斯多克顿·巴诺罗(Jessica Stockton Bagnulo)说,为了把可以来书店做活动的作家尽可能塞进日程安排,这家书店把活动都安排到晚上,甚至是星期五这种书店以往不安排夜间活动的日子。

“Finding the space on the schedule has been an adventure,” she said. “We don’t usually host Friday night events, but for Zadie Smith, we will make an exception. It’s certainly a good problem to have.”


Mr. Charles of The Post added that the glut of big releases had been complicated by the extreme length of many of the books.


While he loved “The Passage,” a vampire novel by Justin Cronin that came out in 2010, he said he might not have time to review the second book in the trilogy, “The Twelve,” which is being published in October and clocks in at 592 pages.

他说,虽然他很喜欢贾斯丁·克罗宁(Justin Cronin)2010年出版的吸血鬼小说《旅程》(The Passage),但他大概没时间评这个三部曲小说中的第二部《十二》(The Twelve)了。《十二》将于10月出版,厚达592页。

“In a crowded schedule like this, I just don’t know if I can get to it,” Mr. Charles said. “When we say big authors, we mean it in every sense of the word this time.”


For authors, bumping into another writer’s publication date can go unnoticed. Mr. Diaz, the author of the coming “This Is How You Lose Her,” said he and Michael Chabon met for the first time at BookExpo America in June, but the fact that their books were both coming out the same day — next Tuesday — didn’t come up in conversation.


“Maybe if I wrote faster, I might actually notice market forces more,” Mr. Diaz said in an e-mail. “But I write so slow and publish things so rarely, I seem to exist on another planet.”


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